EUR/USD Daily Video, April 11, 2018

Sive Morten

Special Consultant to the FPA
Good morning,

EUR starts to show more clear signs of upside thrust. Now we just need to get final step in our trading plan - moderate retracement for position taking:

The technical portion of Sive's analysis owes a great deal to Joe DiNapoli's methods, and uses a number of Joe's proprietary indicators. Please note that Sive's analysis is his own view of the market and is not endorsed by Joe DiNapoli or any related companies.
Mr sive. Good morning to you and all here.

You think what trump is intending to do in Syria will effect market in away or another ?
Might we see some but "sell" on yen as safe currency again as also Russia might involve and defense on Syrian troop !!
Or you think it's only a thing will come and go with no effect !?

I really hope peace for all. We are living in crazy world really specially we who lives in Middle East !!
Mr sive. Good morning to you and all here.

You think what trump is intending to do in Syria will effect market in away or another ?
Might we see some but "sell" on yen as safe currency again as also Russia might involve and defense on Syrian troop !!
Or you think it's only a thing will come and go with no effect !?

I really hope peace for all. We are living in crazy world really specially we who lives in Middle East !!

Well, I think that noise in media wil continue. There will be some "noisy disguise" around, including in Security Council - to form public opinion and to solve some inner problems in US. For example - D. Trump now accuses those who have started Russian probe investigation, and were calling to prove Trump loyalty and now all fault stands upon them, as they put country to the line of big conflict.
Artificially, by sanction tools, Trump rising prices on Oil and Alluminium forcing EU to pay for that. Russia simultaneously could resolve problem of RusAL (and some others) company nationalisation and take it back from oligarch hands 50% cheaper.
Speaking on missile attack in Syria. Yes, it probably will happen within few weeks, but it will be artificial, rocketswill fly somewhere, but nothing serious will happen. Something like last year (also in April), 50+ missiles on Shairat airbase, but where did they land - nobody knows.
As markets mostly react on news noise and sensations - volatility will rise, but when first results will be known - everything should calm down rather fast.
I really hope peace for all. We are living in crazy world really specially we who lives in Middle East !!

Don't worry, nothing serious will happen. US coalition has done nothing when Russia just has started it's location developing in Syria in 2015, did nothing in 2016 and 2017 where it was clear break point in war and that was easier to do. Now they have lost Turkey and Qatar as allies. They did nothing when Iran arested their warships in gulf, and they did nothing with N. Korea, although whole fleet was sent there. They will do nothing this time as well...
The one thing that I do not exclude is strike on Idlib - as all terrorists were sent and evacuated there... By this step Trump could bargain a piece for US in after war political building on Middle East. But, this is just an assumption.
Sive, how about the GBPUSD??? It will come back?

Market has shown just minor dive, when we've expected downside action. So, this scenario was not confirmed.
Right now, GBP has not erased totally bearish scenario, so it is still possible. But right now we do not have clear patterns and signs of bearish reversal for position taking.
Breakout of 1.4350 could lead to butterfly and upside continuation.