EUR/USD Daily Video, January 31, 2014

Sive Morten

Special Consultant to the FPA
Good morning,
EUR has come to a point. So it will either start move up or current lows will fail:

The technical portion of Sive's analysis owes a great deal to Joe DiNapoli's methods, and uses a number of Joe's proprietary indicators. Please note that Sive's analysis is his own view of the market and is not endorsed by Joe DiNapoli or any related companies.
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Hi Mr Morten!! I enjoy and learn every day from your daily EUR analysis. I did not receive the video for 02/03 (today)and I'm very concerned because I don't want to be out of your followers list. Thanks so much

Karina Wilson
Hi Mr Morten!! I enjoy and learn every day from your daily EUR analysis. I did not receive the video for 02/03 (today)and I'm very concerned because I don't want to be out of your followers list. Thanks so much

Karina Wilson
Hi Karina,
FPA was under DDoS attack (not everybody likes us) and mail server has not worked properly for some time. Now it has been fixed, but it will be better if you will not wait mail every time but check the site for updates manually. Because who knows when next attack will follow or even something worse.