HFXTrader review - Pros, Cons, and Traders Ratings.

Not yet rated
Updated: Jul 27, 2024

What is HFXTrader?

HFXTrader is an investment management company that provides managed services for stocks, binary options, forex and cryptocurrencies.

Please read HFXTrader Reviews below and share your investing experiences with this forex management company.

WARNING:  As of June 21, 2022, HFX Trader's website is showing a fake certificate from "The Registrar of Companies for the United State of America" to claim to be registered.  What is displayed is a heavily altered UK Companies House certificate.

The forged certificate claims that HFXTrader was registered in June 2016.  The HFXTrader.net domain was first registered in March, 2022.

Would you trust your money with a company that is this dishonest and this stupid?

This site is nearly identical with LinkTradeFX.com.

Recent User Reviews of HFXTrader

Birmingham, United Kingdom,
Jun 23, 2022,
Registered user

Unethical scam

Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months
A bit coin broker her name is https://instagram.com/anna_coreiiia?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Introduce me to this website they offered me a good earnings and later ask me more amount like 3000 pounds as upgrade they hide it in the initial time. They never mentioned about this when the time of withdrawal they ask 3000 pounds to withdraw the earnings. Its a scam beware of these trader. They canvassing people fro instagram.