FxSecretSignals.com Review

Not yet rated
Out of business Peter Hamilton
Updated: Apr 13, 2022
Out of business

FxSecretSignals.com Performance tests

Status Account Product P/L Weekly,% Weeks tested P/L Gross,%
FX Secret Signals -2.69 21.6 -44.48
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Recent User Reviews of FxSecretSignals.com

Maumee, Ohio,
Jul 18, 2011,

I have just started this signal service but I will say that I am getting the exact same trades at the same price or better (there has been some slippage in my favor). If this man can continue to trade as he has in the past, this will certainly be a winner! I have noticed some of his stops are 20 pips and some are 100 pips and he has lucked out so far not to hit a 100 pips stop. He did communicate via email with me telling me that is a hard stop but if it starts to move in the wrong way he will close the position long before a stop has hit. So far, I have seen this happen which does show honesty on his part. Very impressed, Peter. Keep up the good work and may God bless your trading!!!!