Mirror Lounge Club Trader Real Account Stopped test

by LiveForexTradingSignals.com Site closed
-2.09% WEEKLY · 2.8 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
-414,306 (Gross Pips: -1,284,347)
Average P/L per Week:
-93.59% (Gross P/L: -99.98%)
Maximum Equity used:
4.17% (Jul 4, 2016, 9:37:00 PM)
Test started:
Jun 16, 2016
Test Stopped:
Jul 6, 2016 (Tested 2.8 weeks)
Voluntarily Quit

We appreciate LiveForexTradingSignal.com sharing their signals Live performance with ForexPeaceArmy.com traders community!

2016-07-08 Mirror Lounge Club Trader Real Test stopped per owner's request.

2016-06-20 Mirror Lounge Club Trader Real Test started with help of Investor Access.

Description:  The Trading System: Our system is a combination of Scalping EA’s and Semi-Automatic EA’s that have been custom built and optimised for a 15month period. We also trade Manual adopting Market Maker Trading techniques. We beleive the Forex markets have changed and continually move different to past historical data. Our EA's have been developed to trade specific times of the day based on specific variables.