The Blue Rock Fund Real Account Stopped test

by Site closed
-2.73% WEEKLY · 46.9 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+41 (Gross Pips: +2,079)
Average P/L per Week:
-3.19% (Gross P/L: -80.76%)
Maximum Equity used:
58.07% (Feb 17, 2013, 5:56:00 PM)
Test started:
Apr 30, 2012
Test Stopped:
Mar 25, 2013 (Tested 46.9 weeks)
Crashed & Burned

We appreciate sharing their Real Account Performance with traders community!

2013-04-22 The Blue Rock Fund Stopped. The account is discontinued.

2012-07-02 The Blue Rock Fund Real test started with help of Investor Access...

Fund Description: Blue Rock Fund: The trader’s strategy utilizes a breakout strategy and employs it on a vast array of currency pairs, helping exploit every opportunity available. In addition the trader has a set of personal indicators as well as other key targets and signals used in their strategy to help define key entries and exits.