Forex Navigator Real Account Stopped test

by Site closed
-7.16% WEEKLY · 20.7 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
-470 (Gross Pips: -9,917)
Average P/L per Week:
-7.03% (Gross P/L: -78.51%)
Maximum Equity used:
91.96% (Feb 13, 2014, 4:32:00 AM)
Test started:
Sep 21, 2013
Test Stopped:
Feb 14, 2014 (Tested 20.7 weeks)
Voluntarily Quit

We appreciate sharing their Account Performance with traders community!

2014-02-13 ForexNavigator Real Test stopped per owner's request.

2013-10-23 ForexNavigator Real Test started with help of Investor Access.

Description: Forex is a managed account provider offering stable and consistent returns with an emphasis on capital preservation and long term growth for both US and International clients. Over 6 years of research and testing has gone into creating our system to ensure consistent gains and strong capital protection. Commissions are paid using a high-water equity mark agreement to ensure fair and equitable commissions and that no cost is incurred unless our clients are profitable with new gains each month.