Octafx penipuan tidak bisa ambil profit

Joko midtou

Saya baru kali ini lihat broker penipuan masih dapat ijin beroperasi tolong ditindak octafx tidak mau bayar profit saya silakan di cek, alasanya proses terus sampai 1 tahun tetap bilang masih diproses, gila g ni broker, 5 hari saja saya lapor army


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@OctaFX Rep, can we have your response here, please?
Saya baru kali ini lihat broker penipuan masih dapat ijin beroperasi tolong ditindak octafx tidak mau bayar profit saya silakan di cek, alasanya proses terus sampai 1 tahun tetap bilang masih diproses, gila g ni broker, 5 hari saja saya lapor army
Translation: This is the first time I've seen a fraudulent broker who still has a license to operate, please take action. Octafx doesn't want to pay my profit. Please check, the reason is that the process continues for 1 year and still says it's still being processed, this broker is crazy, I just reported 5 days to the army
Saya baru kali ini lihat broker penipuan masih dapat ijin beroperasi tolong ditindak octafx tidak mau bayar profit saya silakan di cek, alasanya proses terus sampai 1 tahun tetap bilang masih diproses, gila g ni broker, 5 hari saja saya lapor army
Yth Bpk. Joko midtou,

Sebelumnya kami selaku perwakilan dari OctaFX, ingin meminta maaf untuk ketidaknyamanan Anda dan keterlambatan balasan kami. Perihal permintaan penarikan Anda, kami telah meneruskannya dan Departemen Finansial kami juga menginformasikan bahwa permintaan penarikan Anda W4243237 sudah berhasil diproses kembali di tanggal 9 November dan tim Layanan Pelanggan kami telah mengirimkan email dengan informasi terkait. Apabila Anda masih belum mendapatkan dana tersebut dalam waktu 1x24 jam, silakan hubungi kami kembali dan sertakan foto mutasi rekening Anda yang terbaru.

Selanjutnya, perihal proses penarikan di OctaFX, mohon diketahui bahwa semua permintaan penarikan kami diproses secara manual sesuai dengan antrian yang ada, yang tidak menutup terjadinya permasalahan dikarenakan satu hal dan yang lainnya seperti sistem bank atau pihak ketiga. Maka dari itu, kami mohon pengertian dan kesabaran Anda ketika tim kami melakukan pengecekan, dalam hal ini Anda tidak perlu khawatir dikarenakan tim kami selalu bekerja dan akhirnya akan menyelesaikan permasalahan yang ada.

Kami berharap informasi ini berguna dan Anda akan terus menikmati bertrading dengan OctaFX. Kami sangat menjunjung tinggi transparansi dan selalu berusaha memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada klien kami. Silakan hubungi tim kami kembali apabila Anda mempunyai masukan atau hal lainnya yang bisa kami bantu. Atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami,
OctaFX Rep.
@OctaFX Rep, can we have your response here, please?

Translation: This is the first time I've seen a fraudulent broker who still has a license to operate, please take action. Octafx doesn't want to pay my profit. Please check, the reason is that the process continues for 1 year and still says it's still being processed, this broker is crazy, I just reported 5 days to the army
Dear FxMaster,

Thank you for your participation (especially translating the message for other community members) and for not being indifferent to the problem of another trader. Our team is in touch with Joko midtou and does their best to solve the issue. You can check more information in our reply.

Kind regards,
OctaFX Rep.
Dear FPA community,

As transparency is our main value we wish to update you in addition to our response to Joko midtou.

We have checked the case with the relevant department and found out that there was a processing issue. Our team asked Joko midtou to send a bank statement, reviewed it, and resent the payment on November 9th.

Regarding the withdrawal process at OctaFX, please remember that all of our withdrawal requests are processed manually according to security measures and the existing queue. In most cases, bank transactions take up to a couple of hours. However, some hold-ups may happen for various reasons, as in all kinds of financial operations. We always ask our clients who experience any delays to contact our Customer Support directly. That way, our team can check the payment status or report an issue further. Given the latter, we always hope for understanding and patience, as some instances require more time to investigate. Still, we always stress that we're here to help solve any issues as fast as possible and wish our users not to worry.

We genuinely hope that the explanation clarifies the matter. If any questions arise, please get in touch with our team at support@octafx.com.

Kind regards,
OctaFX Rep.
The FPA invited the Original Poster to update this discussion on Nov 12, 2021 at 6:02 PM