• Please try to select the correct prefix when making a new thread in this folder.

    Discuss is for general discussions of a financial company or issues related to companies.

    Info is for things like "Has anyone heard of Company X?" or "Is Company X legit or not?"

    Compare is for things like "Which of these 2 (or more) companies is best?"

    Searching is for things like "Help me pick a broker" or "What's the best VPS out there for trading?"

    Problem is for reporting an issue with a company. Please don't just scream "CompanyX is a scam!" It is much more useful to say "I can't withdraw my money from Company X" or "Company Y is not honoring their refund guarantee" in the subject line.
    Keep Problem discussions civil and lay out the facts of your case. Your goal should be to get your problem resolved or reported to the regulators, not to see how many insults you can put into the thread.

    More info coming soon.


I am having an issue with a company
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Do not invest or pay any money towards this person. Please be careful.


  • vtroll.png
    588.5 KB · Views: 658

Where this may be a post that you think is relevant to this community. It is not. As it is stated in the name of this website. This is a Forex community. The screenshot that you have attached is for the E-Mini contract and is for the futures market.

That is not to say that there are future's that do not coincide with Forex symbols and pairs, but to post such a screenshot here is not useful without concrete, verified proof that this is what indeed had happened.

As well, even though you put a screenshot of what you believe to be a final result of this individuals trading. You actually may have made a mistake as the Total box is still blinking, which means in NinjaTrader that the profit is Unrealized. Which means that the trade or trades had not been officially closed by the platform or the trader.

I would assume that this post is only to undermine an individual that is trading by defacing him in any manner necessary. Where this may have been a good idea to you, it is not a very professional way to go about it.

Was there any follow-up that had actual realized profit for the trade that you 'screenshotted'? If this was indeed the final result of trading, I would suggest a final screenshot and getting actual physical proof that the individual did indeed lose that amount of money. Otherwise, this should be taken as hearsay.

Best Regards,

As well, Seeing as how you joined September 16th (last Friday). Welcome to the community. If you have a service or signal that you are interested in, please share. Feel free to ask questions.
I'd suggest against using this thread to ask about other services. Spam Cat prowls these threads very often.
Hello, everyone. I have been apart of Vinny Emini's Crew for 10 months. Vinny is not a scam in anyway. I am a student and i am profitable everyday. All his strategies work. This is a Honest Review.
TroyBuddy, can you please tell me if you are still profitable and roughly what his strategies involve? If this is not the appropriate place to talk, since it is technically a forex forum, if you give me your contact info (if that's allowed) or your handle in another forum, I'm happy to take the conversation elsewhere..

First and foremost, I must say that this thread is very deceiving. I believe this is one competitor trying to make his competition look bad. Tearing his competition down and not lifting himself up by his own good works. There is probably a character flaw in here somewhere. Anyway, Vinny E-Mini is my mentor so that makes me one of his students. I have to say after spending thousands of dollars trying other systems, I am grateful I found Vinny’s Place. If you are serious about wanting to learn how to trade, then you want to check out Vinny’s system… He takes time to teach, teach, teach us how to trade and most importantly how the market works, not just how an indicator works. There is a bit more to it folks that just clicking a button. If you want to learn more about what Vinny is teaching and how things work, you can head over to the Vinny E-Mini website, check out some videos and request a call. He will take time out of his day and call you. This is not a 5 min call where he asks a few questions and then tries to sell you his services. When he called me, we were on the phone for over an hour the first time. Two and a half hours the second time. I am a believer in the bible and so is he. I was amazed at the word he gave me about wealth and to tell you the truth it was one of the best teachings on money/wealth building I have ever heard. Awesome stuff and being one of his crew members I can’t say enough about what he is trying to do. Vinny E-mini is Amazing Awesome Stuff…
It is right, it is a forex room but vinny e-mini also takes care of people who trade forex.

I can not understand why someone makes a scam alert about something he definitely does not know or understand. I have invested money in different courses and indicators and was not very successful. I have trained now with vinny e-minni toolbox, got his mentorship program, I can see live how he trades., I can discuss my loses and wins with experienced people, I always get an answer and with vinny´s personal advice I already have more than recovered my invested money. I can only recommend to check it out. For me it is the best mentorship program I have found.

People should really check before they post a scam, if not they are not reliable.
A one post wonder against the company.
Three one post wonder accounts created years later to attack the one post wonder who created the thread.

I'm moving this to non-Forex Scam Alerts.

I'm also locking the thread. If anyone has anything productive to say, they can PM me a request to reopen it.

Update: I am temporarily opening the thread so that Vinny can post a reply. I hope he makes use of this opportunity.
I was in Vinny's room for 2 weeks; looking at his trades was like reading braille - impossible; determining that he was trading money - also not possible; reviewing his performance that day or any day - could not be done as no track record; posts statements one every 3-4-5-6 weeks; is a narcissistic arrogant militant-pacifist with violent disposition and zero patience. If any can tell exactly how many trades he took on what instruments over a one month time frame, please step forward and share.
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