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The broker "interactive option" no pay me


The broker "interactive option" no pay on time, can someone help me recover my money, did retreat for more than 15 days and this is the date that i have no response only an agent call me and told me that there is a problem with one payment. I have all my documents in order. Can someone help me please recover my money.
Impressive number BINARY OPTIONS SCAM victims each day increases more, if you 're reading this please do not register or send money to any broker binary OPTIONS THEY are all bandits dont make this mistake, they will not pay you, or otherwise will manipulate prices to you lose ALL your money.
Impressive number BINARY OPTIONS SCAM victims each day increases more, if you 're reading this please do not register or send money to any broker binary OPTIONS THEY are all bandits dont make this mistake, they will not pay you, or otherwise will manipulate prices to you lose ALL your money.

Above mentioned is not completly true mate. Some of them pay out and there are even ones which doesn't manipulate the prices (custom made platforms). I've made good money in this field and still carry on making