EUR/JPY Daily Video, April 10, 2013

Sive Morten

Special Consultant to the FPA
Good morning,
EUR/JPY gives us setup that combines Butterfly and volatility breakout patterns:

The technical portion of Sive's analysis owes a great deal to Joe DiNapoli's methods, and uses a number of Joe's proprietary indicators. Please note that Sive's analysis is his own view of the market and is not endorsed by Joe DiNapoli or any related companies
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You are a gem Sir Sive -am battling with these sell EY's- the huge spike up from 119 was the intervention by the BOJ or may be the announcement? Thank you for this report it feels like i am the only idiot being short on this pair and not quite sure how to handle it. God willing the retracement mentioned will give me a break -thank you extra much.
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