EUR/USD Daily Video, November 06, 2012

Sive Morten

Special Consultant to the FPA
Good morning,
probably time has come to keep an eye on potential bullish patterns, since price is entering is support zone. Today this could be DRPO "Buy" on 4-hour chart that can take start from hourly Butterfly "Buy":

The technical portion of Sive's analysis owes a great deal to Joe DiNapoli's methods, and uses a number of Joe's proprietary indicators. Please note that Sive's analysis is his own view of the market and is not endorsed by Joe DiNapoli or any related companies.
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Hi Sive, many thanks for your analysis.
I checked the Glossary you posted, but it lacks many of the terms you use, e.g., double repo, bread & butter, butterfly, wash & rinse.
Do you intend to expand the Glossary to include those terms? Is there a good (economical) way for a student to learn those concepts?
good morning thought it seems that today due to the us election will be of great volatility, but taken into account that the polls show that obama will take the persidency and i he does with a good result then the usd/eur will deteriorate for euro but if he win by a thread i believe that the markets will turn the table .
what indicator do you use to dray the pivot points? yours is much clearer than mine... by the way, today's analysis was totally accurate! incredible! thanks.
what indicator do you use to dray the pivot points? yours is much clearer than mine... by the way, today's analysis was totally accurate! incredible! thanks.

Hi Alex,
Pivot points. I've posted it somewhere within my part of forum for download. Try to search it.