FPA Exclusive: 40% discount - Learn to trade profitably with The Forex Trading Coach

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Andrew Mitchem

Special Consultant to the FPA
Hi Traders,

If you want to learn how to trade the Forex market profitably then look no further than Andrew Mitchem, The Forex Trading Coach.

Andrew has taught over 500 clients from 39 Countries and this is your chance to gain access to this highly successful, 5 Star Rated Forex Coaching Course at a massive discount.

Click HERE to gain a 40% discount off the Video Course - Exclusively for FPA Members


The “Forex Peace Army Members – Exclusive Offer” course includes:

  • An 80 page Course Manual with step by step instructions
  • 4+ hours of Training Videos in an easy to follow format
  • 80+ hours of past trading room webinar recordings
  • Professional Custom Trading Software
  • Access to an extensive Help Desk site and email backup
  • Access to the Clients area on my website
  • 12 months access to Andrew's Daily Trade Suggestions
  • 12 months access to Andrew's live 2 hour trading room webinars

Click HERE to gain a 40% discount off the Video Course - Exclusively for FPA Members


What Andrew's clients have said about The Forex Trading Coach Course

"After 1-2 years of hopping from FX system to system, I have finally found the right trading education, mentor and method to aid me in achieving my goal of becoming a successful Forex Trader. And it's Andrew Mitchem. He is the real deal"
Cassandra J, Virginia, USA

"I had an idea of trading before but couldn't quite tie in my methodology
until I found Andrew. I wanted a trading strategy that involved real-time price action &
confluence, Andrew offers this and much more"

DP, United Kingdom

Want to read more testimonials from happy traders ?

Visit The Forex Trading Coach Forex Peace Army Review page and read what Andrew's clients have said about his course.

Please note that I do not offer a refund so makes sure you do you research and really want to join before you sign up. It’s taken me years to get the course and strategy to this level. I am busy with my own trading, running a Managed Accounts business and taking good care of my coaching clients. I am providing time and knowledge and that cannot be returned.

If you have any questions about this offer and about my course, please just ask and I'll reply as soon as I can.
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Notice: The Forex Peace Army does not endorse products or services. Selected vendors are invited to bring exclusive discounts to our members.
I selected this vendor based on the reviews for The Forex Trading Coach | TheForexTradingCoach.com reviews and ratings by Forex Peace Army.
Why make such an offer? Because of the FPA's large audience, some vendors are willing bring you unique deals not available anywhere else. Displaying these offers for people to consider is a service the FPA provides for members.

If anyone has any questions about this offer from TheForexTradingCoach, please either post those in this thread or contact The Forex Trading Coach by emailing info (at) theforextradingcoach.com or using their website.

<iframe src="http://free.timeanddate.com/countdown/i3biu0pw/n179/cf12/cm0/cu4/ct0/cs1/ca0/cr0/ss0/cac000/cpc000/pcfff/tcfff/fs100/szw320/szh135/tatThis%20exclusive%20FPA/tac000/tptToo%20late.%20This/tpcf00/matdiscount%20expires%20in/mac000/mptoffer%20has%20expired./mpcf00/iso2012-10-12T17:00:00/pa4" frameborder="0" width="171" height="74"></iframe>
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A 40% discount sounds good, but what is the actual cost. $10,000.00, $2000.00, $5000.00 Most of these Forex courses are way over priced. I will say that I believe having a coach is a good thing, I myself haven't quite got the hang of it yet. But still that is a lot of money for something that may not even work for you.
Hi Forxme,

Thank you for your question. When I first began coaching I mostly concentrated on private in-person coaching. Due to my time and travel costs this was quite expensive for the client. although everyone who took that option was more than satisifed. I taught people in Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, France, Spain and France.

Around 2 years ago I developed my online video course and that is the course that is being promoted here. This course option contains exactly the same course content as private in-person tuition but has the major advantage for you as the client as you have access to the entire video course library forever. This means you can watch and re-watch any part of the course whenever you need to. As there is no travel involved and time away from my own trading, this option is obviously far more affordable.

I am offering 12 months of my daily trading suggestions and live 2 hour trading room webinars, along with the entire video course and follow up help for USD$1,552.80 which is a 40% discount on the normal price for this same package. This is a FPA members special. I have never offered a discount on my course and this is available just for the next 3 days only.

You are correct in saying it may not work for you but what I can tell you from my own experience and from the feedback my clients give me is this: you are far more likely to succeed following good quality education and if you do learn to trade successfully with the help of my course and myself, then the initial cost of the course will be almost irrelevant in the long run.

I hope this helps,

Happy trading,
I have been a client of Andrews for about 2 years now. I was one of the lucky ones who was able to have a one on one with him when he was still traveling the world teaching people how to trade. I also purchased the online video course which I still use to this day, I find it so useful to answer my questions and queries and if I don't find it there I can check out the huge FAQ section .. and if I don't find it there I can email him. Andrew is very accessible, honest, down to earth, proactive guy who I consider as a friend. I am now a full time profitable trader and I really look forward to what the future will bring. Val Pasquale. Queensland. Australia.
Great course... i did it 18 months ago and have well and truly payed for it with my trading results
The thing i like about Andrew is he was a full time trader first and fell into coaching later - kinda by accident...
He is open & honest with his results, accounts etc. & also owns a managed account business trading for indiviuals
He is the real deal and will save you alot of time and money if you are serious about forex.
Reece - Hamilton NZ
Hey Andy.

Lost of testimonials on you site. very little point in reading any of them, a story is a story, read one you’ve read them all.
Are you able to post some real accounts that substantiate the profitability of your system or not ?
Something on myfxbook or mt4stats would work.
BTW the results link on your website links to nothing 2012-10-11_1723 - PacManPip's library
Hi Pacmanpip,

Thank you for your questions. I'm not sure I agree with your comments about all of my testimonials being much the same. What it show is that almost all reviewers going right back to February 2010 have given my course a 5 star rating. It shows that the course has value and people who take it are very happy with it and their results.

I now have clients in 41 Countries (2 more new Countries due to this special offer) and I suppose that must also add a lot of credibility.

Posting results is often not that meaningful as everyone's results will vary depending upon when they trade, how much they trade and which time frame charts they trade.

Having said that you are more than welcome to view my October results from a live account here

The link you mentioned on your screenshot does indeed go to my contact page and that is where people can request a copy of my results.

I hope that this answers your questions.

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Can we post replys or will all negative posts be deleted

AsstModerator Note: What are you talking about? There have been negative and positive replies in almost every offer that's come out. ALL of those are on display in this folder.

Sometimes posts, like your next one, end up in the moderation queue. Those are usually approved fairly soon.
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I guess that since there is no reply we can't say anything negative

AsstModerator Note: Are you feeling ok? You post something and since there is no reply within 45 minutes, you leap to the conclusion that replies are being blocked.

Seems that this not the first time you have recommended other offers
The liveforextrading is in crisis last month bushman trashed clients accounts now it is erios I watched my account as every trade was stopped out only to see erio double the trade in the same direction
some replys from the liveforextrading room

AsstModerator Note: The FPA never ran a discount offer for liveforextrading or Erio's earner. Those are Performance Tests. The FPA runs PTs so that people can watch how products perform over time. If you check the closed tests, you will see that most Performance Tested products have failed.

Performance Tests are designed to protect traders by showing which EAs, Signals, and Managed products can hold up and which will fail. If you want to discuss those, you are in the wrong folder.

djyano 09:18

Looks like GU going south
dminico 09:19

Oogway, changed view on GBJPY...???
WillT 09:19

Guys - jump over to LIVE FOREX TRADING INFO
Oogway 09:24

unfortunately, its cost almostleft over my monthy profit $1500, just eur and gb/jpy, equities changed direction and the trades showing more and more lose
WillT 09:25

Oogway - go to that link This room is being shut down

Ooogway is a trail team leader I guess he will be advised to leave
I am happily to be refused entry to FPA if someone is aware of what is going on
Lou aka hobbo84

AsstModerator Note: What does this have to do with TheForexTradingCoach?

This post was caught up in the moderation queue for a short period. Even though it is completely off-topic, I have approved it.
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