PrivateForexTrader Superior Real Account Stopped test

+1.35% WEEKLY · 104.2 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+481 (Gross Pips: +51,887)
Average P/L per Week:
+1.01% (Gross P/L: +196.25%) Including Net Withdrawal of 15,326.43
Maximum Equity used:
27.19% (Nov 8, 2012, 11:46:00 AM)
Test started:
Sep 7, 2011
Test Stopped:
Sep 6, 2013 (Tested 104.2 weeks)
Abandoned Test

We appreciate sharing their Real Account Performance with traders community!

2013-10-01 PrivateForexTrader Superior abandoned. Account was emptied on 09/06 without notifying FPA.

2012-09-18 PrivateForexTrader Superior Real Test started with help of Investor Access...

Description: We  proudly announce one the most safe and profitable manual trading strategies, which has been ever available. Have you ever dreamed to hire group of Forex traders, who will trade the same strategy, and adjust it to new market conditions? Today in complicated market conditions it is very difficult to be profitable when you trade on your own, but we managed to announce our Superior programm where trading decisions are made by group of traders. Our trading strategy was tested and traded in different market conditions and phases, and finally was run on real account since March 2012.