PrivateForexTrader B Real Account Stopped test

+2.10% WEEKLY · 31.3 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+124 (Gross Pips: +3,896)
Average P/L per Week:
+2.08% (Gross P/L: +90.39%)
Maximum Equity used:
10.56% (Oct 17, 2012, 4:28:00 AM)
Test started:
Mar 12, 2012
Test Stopped:
Oct 17, 2012 (Tested 31.3 weeks)
Multiple Statements Available, Voluntarily Quit

We appreciate sharing their Real Account Performance with traders community!

10.17.12 PrivateForexTrader B-Signals Real Test stopped. Investors changed investor password and don't want to share the account publicly any more.

08.29.12 PrivateForexTrader B - Signals Real Test started with help of investor access...

Description: During 31 months, since the inception of the programm in 2010, PrivateForexTrader B managed to gain 302% profit. There were only 2 negative months, and drawdown has never exceed 7%. Compound return is almost 10 times more.  The auto-trading feature is a fully-automated trade copier trading system that enables Private Forex Trader users to draw on the wealth of knowledge and expertise of our expert traders and use tried and tested strategies to automatically copy our trades on your own MT4 trading account instantaneously. The auto-trading systems give beginners to professional traders an opportunity to enter the Forex market with a certain level of confidence, as well as to allow more experienced traders to broaden their market activities. We offer a monthly subscription model and a managed fund opportunity that can work with any broker. For more information and how to sign up go to our website: