Ponzi Scheme investing4you.co.uk scam forex investment

Guaranteed profits become guaranteed losses.
1. Could never prove trades? Or just didn't?
2. You can catagorically claim that no1 on the planet can make 3% ish a day?
And i mean you have seen every trader in the worlds books?
3. Who asked BEFORE the accounts were frozen. Where are the funds? When did he deny a request to see where funds are?
4. Former employment is irrelevant and was that even his last job before not working? When was his linkedin profile updated as you all like to use that?
5. The bit that makes you laugh. Pretty sure the update was about people going to he house not the police. And how would they charged with more stuff if trading was only going to commense after it was all done?

Alot of speculation in there.

It dont matter to me if its right or wrong.
The thing that makes me laugh is your so certain but yet none of it would stand up in court
Innit bruv you hit em wiv tha serious questionz, them haters be kicking the sens when me u and tha boyz come rollin past pods like the gumball 3000, be more supercars than dubai when we get r monies cuz trust
I still have faith its legit. Just what my bank has sent me via letter. I think the money is with his broker.
Yeah bro it's proper legit, them haters be giving big apologiez, the fink thunderbird 1 on take off is loud wait till them man den hear the sound systom in the stetched humvy I be buyin with investings profit.
I'll answer those questions just in case anyone else has the same questions and it will be nice to have a summary in one post rather then several.

1. Could never prove trades? Or just didn't?

To answer your question no client has ever proved trades and Declan just didn't.

More detail -

Declan is obligated to provide clients with information for each and every trade made with their money, this is for tax purposes. Its easy to get this information generally he would log into the trade platform select that account and run a report - get a PDF or a spreadsheet of some description and email it to the client.

From the clients who've posted here or talked to me directly they have either
1) Provided I4U own website Transaction report - which is just an overall daily summary
2) Provided nothing apart from an accusation or deflection to change the subject
3) Confirmed that they have never seen this information.

2. You can catagorically claim that no1 on the planet can make 3% ish a day?

Although not "impossible" its vastly improbable when you look into the numbers. Delcan is claiming to make in a month what most big firms manage in a year - with no more then an apparent hobby level interest and experience of trading or work experience. I'll accept that it is possible but then Unicorn's could exist - just because no one has seen one does not mean they are not real!

As I said its vastly improbable - why would Declan who can make 3% a day be working for anyone else but himself - why bother with all the hassle of it and running a business?

For Example over 260 "business days" in a year.
January 1st 2020 - Declan invests £1000 and earns 3% a day
April 2020 - £1000 has grown into £5897.79
August 2020 - now Declan has £77,184
December 2020 - now Declan has £1,073,487

In 1 year Declan is a millionaire - Like I said above why would he bother doing this for anyone else?

Lets look if after 1 year he does the same again but this time he starts with £750,000 leaving him £250,000 salary to live on.

January 1st 2021 - Declan invests £750,000 and earns 3% a day.
April 2021 - £750,000 has grown to £4,423,346
August 2021 - now Declan has £57,888,123
December 2021 - now Declan has £805,115,275

Simply put if anyone can make 3% a day they will be working for Wall Street. They will be commanding a Blank check salary (I would want a percentage cut of money made) and investment firms will be giving them $Billions to use with their trading strategy. Think of the above numbers with $1,000,000,000 as the starting number. Bear in mind Wall Street has companies who have decades of experience, with close to 200,000 employees and all their experience and none of them are even close to the 3% a day Declan has averaged thus far after doing it for 5 years?

Too good to be true is an understatement in this case.

3. Who asked BEFORE the accounts were frozen. Where are the funds? When did he deny a request to see where funds are?

I tried to contact Declan and never got an answer and when I went to public places like social media to open a channel of communication I was told I was making slanderous claims (not being FCA Authorised).

There are clients who have talked to me who have asked questions about where money is, insurance and the likes - they were given answers which placated them at the time such as the FCA was in progress at the time and everything is above board. Declan was asked to show detail trade information - which would of also shown where the funds were located by extension ( the funds would of been in the trade accounts) but Declan was unable to show any detail on the trades.

4. Former employment is irrelevant and was that even his last job before not working? When was his linkedin profile updated as you all like to use that?

I'm not sure how former employment is irrelevant however - I'm sure most jobs out there where your handling client money and investing it would need some type of experience especially the amounts of money Declan was handling. Maybe if he had some type of experience or training or former employment he would of known he needed FCA authorisation or exemption and would not of been operating his business criminally.

Declan had two linked in profiles both stating working at Tesco as a Delivery driver for 5 years. One of these profiles has now been deleted the other has been updated very recently to reflect that the Tesco job was only for 5 months 5 years ago.

As such there is a large gap in his CV and it was only updated recently Declan could of easily of added his trading experience / work history/ training he has taken in regards to his current line of work.

5. The bit that makes you laugh. Pretty sure the update was about people going to he house not the police. And how would they charged with more stuff if trading was only going to commense after it was all done?

There is simply only one reason Declan cannot resume after this is all done and dusted - Declan is not FCA authorised, it does not matter if he can make 3% a day and he can actually trade and do what he claims to do. Until he has FCA authorisation Declan cannot perform regulated activities.

Declan could trade personally for himself but cannot continue operating I4U / investing money for other people - even giving people financial advice or instructing others on how to do what he does would be against regulated activities.
Is that you boris?

Innit bruv you hit em wiv tha serious questionz, them haters be kicking the sens when me u and tha boyz come rollin past pods like the gumball 3000, be more supercars than dubai when we get r monies cuz trust
Your mama made you your supper yet young man?

It was quite entertaining. However can I ask, just how much do you think we're talking about when it comes to the amount of money gone into this scam? tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions?
Why whats the poimt to which you are trying to get too?
Confused? That’s what you get with multi accounts.
Not at all. Brainiac.
You asked how much money do i think is in the scam?

Not at all. Brainiac.
You asked how much money do i think is in the scam?
I am not magicman lol. He answered your stupid question im not sat on forum all day waiting to reply

Yeah can't wait to see him on the front cover of forbes magazine, then this lot will see haha
Why would he be. Does your mum let you stay up late on fridays?

I wonder if they’ll still sit on a grubby sofa in the front garden, banging out house music when they’re quadrillionaires
Cant see it sillybilly can you?
I'll answer those questions just in case anyone else has the same questions and it will be nice to have a summary in one post rather then several.

1. Could never prove trades? Or just didn't?

To answer your question no client has ever proved trades and Declan just didn't.

More detail -

Declan is obligated to provide clients with information for each and every trade made with their money, this is for tax purposes. Its easy to get this information generally he would log into the trade platform select that account and run a report - get a PDF or a spreadsheet of some description and email it to the client.

From the clients who've posted here or talked to me directly they have either
1) Provided I4U own website Transaction report - which is just an overall daily summary
2) Provided nothing apart from an accusation or deflection to change the subject
3) Confirmed that they have never seen this information.

2. You can catagorically claim that no1 on the planet can make 3% ish a day?

Although not "impossible" its vastly improbable when you look into the numbers. Delcan is claiming to make in a month what most big firms manage in a year - with no more then an apparent hobby level interest and experience of trading or work experience. I'll accept that it is possible but then Unicorn's could exist - just because no one has seen one does not mean they are not real!

As I said its vastly improbable - why would Declan who can make 3% a day be working for anyone else but himself - why bother with all the hassle of it and running a business?

For Example over 260 "business days" in a year.
January 1st 2020 - Declan invests £1000 and earns 3% a day
April 2020 - £1000 has grown into £5897.79
August 2020 - now Declan has £77,184
December 2020 - now Declan has £1,073,487

In 1 year Declan is a millionaire - Like I said above why would he bother doing this for anyone else?

Lets look if after 1 year he does the same again but this time he starts with £750,000 leaving him £250,000 salary to live on.

January 1st 2021 - Declan invests £750,000 and earns 3% a day.
April 2021 - £750,000 has grown to £4,423,346
August 2021 - now Declan has £57,888,123
December 2021 - now Declan has £805,115,275

Simply put if anyone can make 3% a day they will be working for Wall Street. They will be commanding a Blank check salary (I would want a percentage cut of money made) and investment firms will be giving them $Billions to use with their trading strategy. Think of the above numbers with $1,000,000,000 as the starting number. Bear in mind Wall Street has companies who have decades of experience, with close to 200,000 employees and all their experience and none of them are even close to the 3% a day Declan has averaged thus far after doing it for 5 years?

Too good to be true is an understatement in this case.

3. Who asked BEFORE the accounts were frozen. Where are the funds? When did he deny a request to see where funds are?

I tried to contact Declan and never got an answer and when I went to public places like social media to open a channel of communication I was told I was making slanderous claims (not being FCA Authorised).

There are clients who have talked to me who have asked questions about where money is, insurance and the likes - they were given answers which placated them at the time such as the FCA was in progress at the time and everything is above board. Declan was asked to show detail trade information - which would of also shown where the funds were located by extension ( the funds would of been in the trade accounts) but Declan was unable to show any detail on the trades.

4. Former employment is irrelevant and was that even his last job before not working? When was his linkedin profile updated as you all like to use that?

I'm not sure how former employment is irrelevant however - I'm sure most jobs out there where your handling client money and investing it would need some type of experience especially the amounts of money Declan was handling. Maybe if he had some type of experience or training or former employment he would of known he needed FCA authorisation or exemption and would not of been operating his business criminally.

Declan had two linked in profiles both stating working at Tesco as a Delivery driver for 5 years. One of these profiles has now been deleted the other has been updated very recently to reflect that the Tesco job was only for 5 months 5 years ago.

As such there is a large gap in his CV and it was only updated recently Declan could of easily of added his trading experience / work history/ training he has taken in regards to his current line of work.

5. The bit that makes you laugh. Pretty sure the update was about people going to he house not the police. And how would they charged with more stuff if trading was only going to commense after it was all done?

There is simply only one reason Declan cannot resume after this is all done and dusted - Declan is not FCA authorised, it does not matter if he can make 3% a day and he can actually trade and do what he claims to do. Until he has FCA authorisation Declan cannot perform regulated activities.

Declan could trade personally for himself but cannot continue operating I4U / investing money for other people - even giving people financial advice or instructing others on how to do what he does would be against regulated activities.
My questions were in response to hoodles statement. He said Dec couldn't prove and you still have not shown me he couldn't prove.
You have said yourself it's not impossible to make them numbers so that's fine.
He stated no one knew where funds where. My response was who was asked or denied.
Now you have said you were, but your not a client so why would he show you? So again show me in screenshot a client asking him where the funds are and him denying the request? I did state before funds were frozen aswell don't forget!
Hoodle was going on about the Tesco driver in such a sarcastic way.
I still find his former employment irrelevant and I mentioned the linkedin although I have not seen it because I know Tesco was not his last job and you all have mentioned it multiple times (because of course you can't be a forex messiah after working at Tescos)

Hoodle then closed his statement with ramblings about the update about no longer trading, which again were false so I merely corrected him. Assumption of why the update was made which made no sense because no trading was taking place whilst under investigation.

So you answer to number 5 is fine but it's nothing we did not know.

(You sound like a politician.)

hoodles made a speculative statement which I correctly responded too and then you have responded to me with a lot of substance without actually giving any evidence to prove me wrong.
Leave them be anyone with half a brain cell knows its a scam, there just close associates trying to buy time or make excuses
How is commenting in here buying time or making excuses.
Swear to god u hate mob really are something to behold. You're a really special lot trully.
And the fact that the few of you with any intelligence actually stand on the same side as these half witts is beyond comical.
The ones that have put money in (more money than they can afford judging by the bitterness) and then crying about the messiah and this and that yet they put loads of money in. And then to join the hate mob after putting more money in than they can afford.
Words can not describe you