Are riots going to affect USD?

I agree that the riots have already caused a lot of damage. And not only to the U.S. economy, but also to the social structure. It's like there's been a split in society. And it's even much worse than predicted. I don't mind fighting for rights, on the contrary, I think it's sometimes just necessary. But (I really don't want to insult anyone) this time it's really unnecessary. These riots have raised to a new, absurd level, which has only deepened the split and added only hatred and toxicity to human relations.
I was surprised there was not more impact on this my self. but in the other case USD is a strong haven there for it takes a lot to impact and will not be easy moved due to news events unlike some other currenceys.
The riots in combination with the ongoing Covid-19 threat is already hitting the US economy and therefore the USD. I full expect to see it get weaker before it gains any real strength.
Riots surely have a prolonged effect on the economic activities, as you know the ongoing riots in the US have thus caused economic defamation in USD which surely is a serious issue.
I still see long term effects that is going to have large impacts but with slower bigger market swings. where we see price at a leve that should reverse or pull back we are going to see continuations and longer draws on currency's.