US Debt Limit

its going to be great paying 50 bucks for a gallon of gas or a loaf of bread. The good news is if youre buying USD you can always burn them this winter to keep warm.
its going to be great paying 50 bucks for a gallon of gas or a loaf of bread. The good news is if youre buying USD you can always burn them this winter to keep warm.

Make sure to ask for your change in ones. That gives you more to burn. :p
I was going to ask for a few soft well worn dollar bills as well. In case I need to use them to wipe me bum LOL
And crisp new dollar bills can be used as wallpaper.

The US Dollar. Useful in so many ways. :D
Save the planet...recycle!

If any of you guys have the urge to throw these used USD notes (or any other currencies) away, simply put them in sacks, mail them to me, and I will do my part in saving the planet in recycling these used notes.
Since theyre made of cotton and linen I wonder If you can make a cool looking suit out of them?
The latest recommendation from Mattress Bank is to wad them up and use them for stuffing pillows.
You're an abysmal failure, Sive. You said in your EUR video on Oct. 15 that the Euro will decline (H & S pattern) regardless of the outcome of the US debt ceiling etc. battle. Yeah, right.