RESOLVED - cheated two US$10k accounts under fraudulent circumstances.

We humbly request the Representative in-charge to explain what this "Error" means.

1) Does "Error" mean's public acceptance of the fact that the heart-breaking losses generated in both Cases #1 and #2 are results of "systemic errors" in's computer systems?...just as I have numerous times spoken out in our Skype conversations;...and have warned that these two Cases may not be the last if Admin does not take immediate and adequate measures to eradicate such systemic errors?

2) When will TradeviewForex pay humbly requested full compensation to our Case #2 client?

Please we need answers to these questions.

Idorenyin Umoren (Mr.)
Dear All,

We find no words to qualify the "self-confidence" with which believes it can cheat Case #2 client WITHOUT any consequences.

I consider it important to make the following Skype messages exchanged today - 03 July 2018 - available to the public.

Attachment: Screenshot of Skype conversation


Dear Mr. Turck,

It is shocking to witness "how" TradeviewForex handles our client's Case #2.

This is total heartless!

We still hope this week will not pass without receipt of full compensation by our client.

Kind regards,

Idorenyin Umoren


Michael Turck's response:


You are not a client of Tradeview. We have notified Forex Peace Army regarding this issue and they plan on moving your case to unsupported. Take care


Idorenyin Umoren' response:


That's a good move, but a bad one.


Michael Turck's response:


You are not registered with Tardeview and cannot comment on another client's trading history with our firm. It is against complaince ruels and regulations. You should let FPA know that you are not and never were a client of Tradeview. They already have been notified though but coming from you would be nice


We came here for justice for our client who has been heartlessly cheated by!!!
Will Forex Peace Army Admin move Case #2 to bin as unsupported?
How long will this "cold violence" and "cheating" be practiced by Forex Brokers?


  • Skype_conversation_03July2018.png
    60.5 KB · Views: 15

This is Michael Turck, Head of Sales and Liquidity at Tradeview Forex. After speaking with Bill, Forex Peace Army moderator, he asked that I reply on this message board to report this fraud of a "money manager" to ALL clients who want him to trade for them. This "client", Komeks Trading, who is managed by a gentleman named Idorenyin Umoren, is not registered with Tradeview as a client, Money Manager, or Introducing Broker. We have no idea who he is and how he received the login information of any client here at Tradeview as we have not communicated with this individual at all, and we ask that Bill or anyone else at Forex Peace Army please remove this post as soon as possible or move to unsupported as we have no track record of Komeks Trading and no idea who this is. It is immoral of you to allow such posting on your forum as this phony money manager is trying to claim unsubstantiated system errors and he is not only wrong but should not be commenting on other clients trades or should he be trading any one's accounts here at Tradeview without a Power of Attorney. Please remove ASAP.

Thank you

Mike Turck
Hello Mr. Turck,

Talking on "legal terms", absence of "Power of Attorney" or "Limited Power of Attorney"
does not justify cheating by a broker; and cannot serve a reason for you at to request Forex Peace Army to move Case #2 to bin as "unsupported". - just as any other Broker out there - knows quite well that all Brokers DO NOT CARE about how "each" account is traded. All Brokers' stakes are at "how much BIG LOSSES" their clients can generate, so that the financial year can SUCCESSFULLY end for them ...with rubbing of hands and smiles of GREAT SUCCESS.

1) You know quite well that Case #1 client would not have received the so little!!! US$2,500.00 compensation from if his case was not made public here at FPA.

2) Next, you at intentionally requested FPA to remove these two Cases from FPA website immediately after paying US$2.5k compensation to Case #1 client because you had NO GENUINE intention to even discuss the huge losses incurred with Case #2 client - despite the fact that you personally promised us on Skype chat that you will contact her.

Why have you not contacted her till now?

Why your next move was to come here and request FPA to move Case #2 to bin as unsupported because of absence of POA or LPOA?

Why do you believe that nobody has the right to speak on behalf of Case #2 client simply because She cannot independently analyse what SERIOUS DAMAGES computer systems did on 28th May 2018 at 00:05hrs to her investment?

I hope you and the public already have answers to above questions.

Idorenyin Umoren


This is Michael Turck, Head of Sales and Liquidity at Tradeview Forex. After speaking with Bill, Forex Peace Army moderator, he asked that I reply on this message board to report this fraud of a "money manager" to ALL clients who want him to trade for them. This "client", Komeks Trading, who is managed by a gentleman named Idorenyin Umoren, is not registered with Tradeview as a client, Money Manager, or Introducing Broker. We have no idea who he is and how he received the login information of any client here at Tradeview as we have not communicated with this individual at all, and we ask that Bill or anyone else at Forex Peace Army please remove this post as soon as possible or move to unsupported as we have no track record of Komeks Trading and no idea who this is. It is immoral of you to allow such posting on your forum as this phony money manager is trying to claim unsubstantiated system errors and he is not only wrong but should not be commenting on other clients trades or should he be trading any one's accounts here at Tradeview without a Power of Attorney. Please remove ASAP.

Thank you

Mike Turck
Dear FPA Admin, Moderator;

At numerous, lengthy requests of TradeviewForex Admin, who have arrived at a compromise with our second client under the two cases, we hereby request FPA Admin to move both cases to "Resolved" folder and immediately inform TradeviewForex Admin.

Thank you for the publicity given to both cases, and for all your assistance.

Best regards,

Idorenyin Umoren