Crypto trading for newbies

I would not recommend you to trade bitcoin if you do not have sufficient experience in trading. Crypto trading is very volatile, and you can lose your investment very quickly. But if you've already decided to try crypto trading, I highly recommend that you read as much as you can, monitor the market until you start to feel it. You should remember that Bitcoin is still not a legal tender, except for a few countries. Governments and banks do not like Bitcoin as much as their owners. For now, digital currency is an additional asset class. And secondly, start with a small investment. Statistically speaking, the bigger your investment, the greater the potential risk/reward for a position. To gain experience and gradually increase your investment, especially when dealing with bitcoin.
dont use crypto at all. its not good. and other guys right. its too volatility and you hujt stop out too quikly.
Agreed with Goldcaster. If you dont have any idea about forex market, than dont start trading crypto. These markets are very volatile, so you can easily lose your money. Start first with demo account, and see for yourself
I recommend forex trading for the newbies because it is not as complicated as cryptocurrency and then again it gives the beginner a chance to know how the online market works. It is the best way to get started and not have to worry about much things.
If you are a newbie then I suggest that you start of with forex trading before you consider crypto currency because in my understanding it is much easier to get forex than it is to get cryptocurrency. It is all in how you carry yourself too.
It tries to compare between crypto trading and invest crypto, I think still safer invest in crypto for long term investment, but it's not guarantee secure, there are some problem because hacker possible to stealth money, but crypto trading now some try to use as short term trading
I don't think it is recommended for new traders, stick with the major currency pairs until you feel comfortable and have some level of consistency.
There is a hell of a lot more crypto misinformation and a lot of pairs similar to the exotic Forex pairs.
Thanks for the replies, I did fable with it previous and got bit as the moves made me panic and make the wrong decisions