Current Gold Levels ?

Pyramids - one man's overdone tomb is another man's ultimate prep. :p

Have you built your bunker yet?

Steal chickens from the neighbors? Sounds risky, since they might retaliate. On the other hand, you could just eat the neighbors. :p

Pharaoh & much related!
Currently the gold is at 1380 Level and it seems like it has seriously entered the bear market and the people who have purchased physical gold at its peak value are repenting for sure. But how long will this gold bear market last is the main concern.
I'm still fantasizing about a massive move all the way down to $600 so I can just keep buying more.

The markets are manipulated, but there are limits to how long the manipulation can last. The tighter you compress the spring, the bigger the bounce when it gets lose.
"...Have you built your bunker yet?
Steal chickens from the neighbors? Sounds risky, since they might retaliate. On the other hand, you could just eat the neighbors

Who needs a bunker when one can simply move to an isolated tropical island?;)
To safety "steal" from thy neighbor, the trick is to be real friendly with thy neighbor's for that "eat the neighbor" part....hehehe...well, there are more ways to "eating" than as in consuming or taking sustenance :p

Okay, someone posted that this thread has deviated from the original post and so, as responsible forumer, I'll attempt to rectify that.

Apart from the heavy and evil manipulation by the Big Boys, which the son-of-Ra'a has so eloquently and adequately explained, gold is influence largely by the strength of the USD....and the USD has been in six-heaven these past few weeks.

Check on any tiny-bitty bit of news on impending USD weakness (or when the US and the EZ need to make money from the forex market for monthly payroll & national expenditures), buy gold like there is no tomorrow and you will make a killing.
Strong USD equates lower price for gold/commodities and also oil.


P/S: "...I'm still fantasizing about a massive move all the way down to $600..."
Just an update that thy wish to Amun is still pending review and approval/rejection.....and please be informed not to submit another wish request as that will go to the back of the quell and original request cancelled.
Once again, we thank you for your patience and understanding...and have a nice day!
Next, we have to figure out how to tell when the big boys are done playing with gold and have moved on to their next target. That's the time to spend all the over-valued dollars on metals.
That's pretty accurate of how the Big Boys manipulate and make serious money from the market, Oh Wise & Ancient One.

"...My mattress bank account contains gold, silver, USD, and some other currencies...."

....hmmmm....looks like we have a doomsday prepper here.
My preparation for super-super hyperinflation is to stock up on fishing lines, hooks, and vegetable seeds so that I can plant & fish for food. For protein like chicken & animal meat, if I cannot hunt for them, I will just steal them from my neighbors :p
....and if I have the urge to own some precious metal & exotic currencies, I now know who have plenty of that:p

My next door neighbor is doing all the prepping (she has a whole cellar stuffed with canned food/pickles/vodka/ciggs).
If worse comes to worse and there's nothing else left... the most precious commodity will be Food.

On a more serious note... word is that Gold bulls are trying to stock up again... Its crazy.. one month they sell, the next month they buy again (you think).

I've stopped speculating on Gold/Silver.. Oil is my new mojo!!
These big boys are most hated by small traders like me. I was very excited when I started trading thinking that I will make good money. Now I am seeing these manipulation by big boys and it is disappointing for me.
Impassible is dangerously similar to impossible.

Allow me a moment to spin a web of intrigue. Imagine you are one of the BIGGEST players in gold, and you've sold paper gold to levels beyond what a private tunnel to Fort Knox could cover. You and a bunch of other big players been doing this for years.

Lately, too many people have woken up to the fact that there are a lot more paper contracts than there are bars to back those up. Some of the investors have begun losing confidence in those contracts and are trying to collect the metal. You only have a fraction of the metal needed, and if too many people do this, the whole house of cards that you and your associates built over the last 10-20 years will come tumbling down.

By working together, your group held the psychological resistance line of 2000. The bull market kissed $1920 and then fell back. Then things got stuck in a range. Some well timed buys and sells reduced your exposure a little, but not enough. The demand for physical metal in exchange for paper contracts still has your whole cartel hanging on the edge of oblivion.

A few months ago, an agreement was reached to sell paper contracts for more than the world's annual production of gold in just a couple of days. This worked well. Shock and awe ruled the market at prices plunged. Your total liabilities decreased significantly. There are still problems - both paper and physical gold buyers took advantage of the reduced prices and you are still over exposed and over leveraged on shorts. Worse, price isn't too far above production costs.

What to do?

How about this - let the free market reign for a few more weeks or months, then do another fire sale. This time, your goal is to break the psychological support at the $1k mark. If you can do this, panic will rule the marketplace. Holders of paper and physical gold will try to dump it as fast as they can. As the price of gold falls below the price of production, the stocks in many of the biggest gold producers will plummet too.

You and your cartel then swoop in. You can snatch up piles of long contracts, paper gold contracts, and even physical gold at prices only dreamed of by a crazy Pharaoh. Even better, you can buy a lot of shares in the world's biggest gold producing companies at a fraction of what they are worth.

Now comes the true fun. You've finally undone your leverages exposure to price increases. Your cartel has acquired a lot of physical metal as well as paper contracts from other players who didn't want to be part of your operation. You have significant stock holdings (in some cases, controlling interest) in most if the biggest producers in the world.

Now, at last, any motive you had for artificially holding down prices is over. Instead, your cartel puts all remaining assets into a buying spree while spreading rumors about how many mines are about to permanently close. You could even try to expose some non-member of the cartel that's over-leveraged itself on paper contracts to further accelerate the price increase of physical metal. Panic buying spreads like wildfire. The $2000 psychological resistance is a shrinking dot in your rear view mirror as record highs are set ever week.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there is no cartel. Maybe no one's manipulating prices. Maybe every contract out there is backed by physical gold. Then again, maybe not. :p was not a boring reading at all Pharaoh!

From the discussion I remember what will happen if all the deposit holders of a bank want to have the hard cash! The deposits are not backed by hard cash, its true! Similarly I believe that every contract is not backed by physical gold!