FOREX PRO WEEKLY, October 17 - 21, 2016

Sive Morten

Special Consultant to the FPA

(Reuters) The dollar on Friday posted its best weekly performance in more than seven months after strong U.S. retail sales and producer prices data for September reinforced expectations the Federal Reserve would raise interest rates in December.

The U.S. currency briefly trimmed gains versus the Japanese yen and euro after Fed Chair Janet Yellen said the U.S. central bank might need to run a "high-pressure" economy to reverse damage from the last financial crisis.

Her view of the economy did not alter expectations for a December rate hike, analysts said.

"Yellen's comments were more about the Fed looking down the road, and her concerns about the last financial crisis shed light on why the Fed has been so hesitant to raise interest rates," said Joe Manimbo, senior market analyst at Western Union Business Solutions in Washington.

The dollar index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six major currencies, rose 0.4 percent to 97.935 .DXY. It was up 1.4 percent for the week and 2.5 percent for the month so far.

The safe-haven yen and Swiss franc fell versus the dollar after risk sentiment got a boost from Chinese data showing producer prices rose for the first time in nearly five years. That boded well for the global economy which has been battling the threat of deflation in recent months.

The U.S. retail sales data, which showed a 0.6 percent rise last month after declining 0.2 percent in August, supported the dollar's gains. Other data on Friday suggested a pickup in inflation, with producer prices rising broadly last month to record their biggest year-on-year increase since December 2014.

The minutes of the latest Fed meeting in September, released on Wednesday, prompted investors to raise their bets of a U.S. rate increase in December, to a 70 percent chance.

Against the yen, the dollar rose 0.3 percent to 104.03. It was up 1.2 percent for the week.

The euro fell 0.6 percent to $1.0992, after earlier hitting $1.0983, its weakest level since late July. It was down 1.6 percent for the week, its worst weekly performance since late February.

Guys, as US elections gradually becomes topic #1, here we put recent research on perspectives of Trump victory.

News in Charts| Trump Lite or Donald Dark?
by Fathom Consulting

The emergence of Donald Trump as a political force reflects a mood of growing discontent about immigration, globalization and the distribution of wealth. As a consequence, regardless of whether or not Mr. Trump prevails, the forces that have brought him this close to Presidency are likely to remain in place. Indeed, it is increasingly evident that public opinion across much of the Western world has shifted away from the integrationist ideals of economists, towards a belief in the benefits of isolationism — of cutting oneself off from the rest of the world.


The prospect of Mr. Trump becoming the next US President has alarmed many economists and investors. We reflect those concerns in our downside scenario, ‘Donald Dark’, in which Mr. Trump’s victory is part of a broader shift towards isolationism, throwing globalization into reverse and threatening both financial market turmoil and recession. However, it is doubtful whether Mr. Trump intends to fully deliver the programme that he has set out – which politician ever does? And even if he wanted to, we doubt that he could. Thanks to Mr. Trump’s pledge to cut taxes and increase government spending, we can even envisage a ‘Trump Lite’ world, where US GDP is a little higher than it might have been otherwise. This is illustrated in the chart above, and is the most likely of our two simulations.

Plenty of sound and fury
A number of checks and balances exist to prevent the US President from having free rein: new US laws need to be approved by Congress (both the Senate and House of Representatives), not just the US President. The Supreme Court has the power to overrule these laws if they are deemed unconstitutional.

Assuming Mr. Trump wins next month’s election, the Republicans would probably keep control of both the Senate and House. But even then, there is no guarantee that they will pass the laws necessary for Mr. Trump to push through his agenda.

The US President cannot remove Supreme Court judges, or heads of independent agencies such as the Federal Reserve. However, the President can nominate candidates for vacant positions, which must then be approved by the Senate.

Donald Trump’s agenda in brief
Mr. Trump has campaigned to improve the fortunes of US workers by reducing the US trade deficit and increasing US manufacturing employment. To do so, he has pledged to tear up or renegotiate existing trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and walk away from trade deals in the pipeline such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). He has also threatened to slap tariffs on imports from China and Mexico to the tune of 45% and 35% respectively, after branding the former a currency manipulator.


Mr. Trump has said he would deport an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants, increase border patrols and build a wall between the US and Mexico. These policies would reduce US population growth and US GDP growth.

But Mr. Trump has proposed a number of pro-growth policies too. These include lowering energy costs (albeit at the expense of the environment), boosting labor participation by subsidizing childcare, cutting regulation, increasing government spending and cutting taxes. For these reasons, it seems, many US small business owners prefer Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton. Mr. Trump’s fiscal plans would cause US government debt to rise significantly; independent estimates range from US$2.6 trillion to US$9.5 trillion over ten years.

Trump Lite
In our central Trump scenario, which we call Trump Lite, nothing much changes. In this world, either Mr. Trump backs down on his more controversial proposals, or he is unable to pass the laws he needs to enact them. Accordingly, we assume only a small number of deportations and minor trade disputes with China and Mexico. Broadly speaking, business carries on as usual.

Less immigration and less trade would be bad for US GDP growth, but we think that Mr. Trump’s pro-business policies and fiscal package would offset this. Overall, we expect a small net positive boost to real US GDP in this scenario. Moreover, to the extent that Mr. Trump’s fiscal policies are inflationary, his victory may enable faster normalization of US interest rates. As we have highlighted in the past, we think that this would be good for the US economy.

Donald Dark
There is a risk that this all goes horribly wrong. The US President has relatively free reign to start a trade war by using existing US laws, thereby avoiding approval from Congress. A US President could, for example, slap tariffs and quotas on imports by invoking the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (1977) or sections of the Trade Act of 1974.

The legalities of these tariffs would be challenged in the courts by US firms and other countries, who are likely to retaliate. In short, things could get messy, with Mr. Trump’s presidency feeding the mood of isolationism and populist politics. It could also contribute to events such as a ‘hard Brexit’ and Marine Le Pen doing well in the French presidential elections, both of which would fuel concerns about the future of the European Union. In this world, we forecast a sharp fall in global trade, as well as a sharp slowdown in the annual rate of US population growth due to the mass deportation of illegal immigrants. US GDP falls sharply from baseline (the baseline in our simulation is the consensus implied path) and the global economy enters a 2008-style recession.


For all of Mr. Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric, we think that the most likely outcome of a Trump presidency would be something closer to Trump Lite. That said, investors should brace themselves for the risk of Donald Dark and hedge themselves against that outcome, where possible.

In either world, the US dollar appreciates
Assuming an initial risk-off reaction to a Trump victory, we think that the US dollar would rise due to safe haven demand. It may seem curious that the US dollar would benefit from safe haven demand, even though the US is the source of concern, but that is exactly what happened during the 2008 global financial crisis.

In the Donald Dark world, safe haven demand is likely to keep the dollar supported in the near- and medium-term. In our Trump Lite scenario, the initial appreciation of the dollar post-election may well be reversed, but as soon as it became clear that the US economy would continue to grow (indeed, grow faster than in our base case) the dollar would likely appreciate again. Higher US interest rates as a result of better-than-expected economic outcomes and higher inflation would also drive the dollar higher in the medium-term.

We also think that the US dollar would appreciate if Hillary Clinton wins, since US interest rates would climb faster than investors currently anticipate. Either way, in our view, now is a good time to buy the US dollar.

US Treasuries would also benefit from safe haven flows after a Trump victory. Under our Trump Lite scenario, we think that this would be short-lived, whereas in the Donald Dark world, Treasuries would continue to benefit from safe haven flows.

Equities fare very poorly under our Donald Dark scenario due to a significantly weaker growth outlook. Diminished trade results in a smaller economic pie, with labor’s share of that pie rising significantly due to greater bargaining power for workers as the available pool of labor shrinks. This is a double-whammy for equity holders who suffer from both a smaller pie and reduced share of that smaller pie.

In Trump Lite, the economy is a little bigger than it otherwise would be, although since labor’s share of income also rises in this world, equity holders are worse off than they would be in the consensus implied baseline (at least, before considering any changes to the US tax code).


Another way to benefit from a Trump victory is to hold a short position in either the Mexican peso or Mexican stock market going into the election. As our chart highlights, the Mexican peso falls and the Mexican stock market underperforms when Mr. Trump does well in the polls.

How did we get here, and where do we go next?
The emergence of Mr. Trump as a political force reflects a mood of growing discontent (in the developed world at least) about immigration, globalization, inequality and the benefits of free trade. Low earners in rich countries feel that globalization has not worked for them. Judging by the fall of labor’s share of income and the widening gap between the real income growth of the richest and poorest households, that concern may be valid.

Indeed, as Edward Luce from the Financial Times noted in a recent article, “if Mr. Trump loses it will be due to character – not because of his message”. The forces that have brought Donald Trump this close to the Presidency are akin to those unleashed by the Brexit referendum in the UK, and to those behind the rise of extremist parties across the developed world. Those forces are likely to remain in place whether or not Mr. Trump prevails.


Let me add 2 cents. Although many people could say - this is not the fact yet that Trump will win and may be all that you've said above is just one of possible scenarios, but I'm sure that Trump will become a president, if of course he will escape Kennedy's destiny. First is, Mr. Roldugin is world famous cellist, said that "Wise people have said me that Mr. Trump will become a president". Mr. Roldugin is a close friend of Mr. Putin and public person and it is impossible to suggest that he said that just occasionally.
Second - we have two hints from the past:
Trump will become a president. This is matrix, guys :cool:. Here is screenshots of 2000 Simpson cartoon and real photo of Trump on stairs.


Here is screenshot from "Rage against the Machine" Matrix soundtrack clip:

Thus, Im sure that Trump will become a president. As a result, Trump will make an accent on inner US affairs and problems and will work to normalize all this mess that now stands in US after neo-colonisators rulling time. It means that all that Fathom have said about "Donald Dark" scenario could be closer to reality than we think.

COT Report
CFTC data shows scenario that we've talked about and would like to get last week. Indeed, speculative net short position has increased, EUR dropped, open interest has increased as well. Thus, new shorts have come to market. Classical bearish changes during last week:
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Last week EUR finally has turned to activity. Our bearish view starts to get real confirmation by market action. Thus, major picture that we see on the monthly chart is the same - important bearish reversal candle and flag-shaped consolidation within last 3-4 months that has been broken down recently. This combination doesn't look really bullish for EUR here.

Currently EUR stands at rather strong support area. This is lower border of downward channel and all-time 5/8 Fib support. Here EUR has formed Butterfly "buy" and it has reached first 1.27 extension here. Probably it needs some time to pass through this level and supportive fundamental background of US strength.

EUR is forming typical reversal candle in May. Price has moved above April top and closed below April's lows. It could not get extended continuation, but usually market shows downward continuation within next 1-3 candles.
Sometimes reversal candles lead to collapse, as it was on EUR around 1.40 area. Thrust down has started particularly by reversal candle in March 2014.

Speaking on big scale bearish signs, we have these ones:
EUR was not able to reach YPR1 and returned right back down to YPP. Following this logic next destination could be YPS1 right around parity and 1.618 butterfly target. This is just another destination point that we have here.

Appearing of reversal candle brings nothing good to bulls. Currently we can't precisely forecast the consequences of its appearing, but even minor results will bring some months of downward action inside current 1.04 -1.15 consolidation... Although potential bearish impact could be even stronger.

Finally we have another bearish sign that looks like bearish dynamic pressure. Take a look that although trend holds bullish - market shows inablitity to move up, even from strong support area. Next strong support stands precisely at parity and will become a culmination of downward action, since this level includes support line, YPS1 and butterfly 1.618 target. Brexit results hardly will bring prosperity to EU and probably will become another bearish driving factor for EUR. We aleardy see consequences of Brexit on GBP, so, some negative impact on EUR also will happen, this is just a question of time.

Finally expectation of rate hike in US in Dec and continuation in 2017 will make additional pressure on EUR/USD rate in medium-term perspective.

Also take a look at different behavior near low border of channel. Previously when market has touched it - it shows immediate upside pullback, it was V-shape reversal. Right now behavior is absolutely different, price just hangs on the border and shows no upside action. Any tight consolidation near trendline could become a sign of coming breakout.

Thus, based on monthly chart we could make two major conclusions. First is - real bullish trend will be re-established only when EUR will erase reversal candle and overcome its top above 1.16. Second, if EUR will still keep moderate bearish sentiment, downside potential hardly will be lower than parity, due recent Fed dovish adjustments to its policy for 2017-2018.
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Last month situation here was mostly "indecision", as market was keeping valid as bullish patterns as some bearish signs that now still exist here. Last week finally we've got some clarity and our suspicious about bullish perspectives were confirmed. EUR has dropped. Drop, as you can see was rather solid. Trend has turned bearish and grabbers have been erased.
As market is not at oversold here, it should continue downward action. On weekly chart our major AB=CD pattern starts right from the top. On Brexit drop market has completed it's 1.0 target, i.e. AB=CD, after that we've got upside 5/8 retracement and now EUR is re-established downward action. Since 1.09 target already has been hit, following the logic of AB=CD extensions, it should continue to next one, 1.618 target that stands around 1.06 area.
Also take a look that downward action could take the shape of butterfly with the same 1.0630 target, as 1.618 extension. In general, breakout of 1.09 area stands in a row with our daily analysis, since this is Head of our H&S pattern. As it has failed already, this process should be completed by drop through the head's low.


On daily chart last week sell-off was really strong. Market has shown response on butterfly 1.618 target that we were tracking last week, but this reaction was shy and Friday's collapse has followed then. Next daily target stands around 1.0930-1.0960 range. Here we do not have clear patterns. If EUR will show meaningful pullback on next week, may be to WPP - this could become chance to go short that we will monitor.
The question is whether pullback will happen after EUR will hit 1.0930 target or before that...



Last week we've got neither B&B "Sell" nor DRPO pattern here. Actually this was a kind of B&B "Sell" Look-alike (LAL), since everything was looked like normal B&B except reaching of major Fib level. It seems that selling pressure was so strong that price wasn't able even to reach Fib resistance.
In the beginning of the next week we need to see signs of possible upward retracement and it should start by some bullish reversal pattern on intraday chart. For example, it could be 3 Drive "Buy". It's reversal point coincides with daily 1.618 target and this makes overall situation interesting. Also we could get simple 1.618 Butterfly instead of 3-Drive, but this will not change overall analysis. This is just different shape - how price will reach 1.0930.

If we will get this pattern and following upside retracement on daily chart, next step will be is to watch for chances to go short and sell the rally.

Please read conclusion carefully to avoid any misapprehension.


Our long-term view mostly bearish for EUR,
based on action that it shows around major support and due anticipation of more agressive Fed policy. Bearish view will be valid until market will stand below 1.16 top.

In shorter -term perspective our conclusion stands as follows:
- Watch for upside retracement on daily chart, at least to WPP;
- Use this retracement for short entry.

The technical portion of Sive's analysis owes a great deal to Joe DiNapoli's methods, and uses a number of Joe's proprietary indicators. Please note that Sive's analysis is his own view of the market and is not endorsed by Joe DiNapoli or any related companies.
Good morning,

(Reuters) - The dollar took a breather from its recent gains on Tuesday, edging away from seven-month highs against a currency basket as investors took stock of U.S. monetary policy expectations over the near term.

The dollar index, which tracks the greenback against six major rivals, slipped 0.2 percent to 97.733 .DXY, after rising as high as 98.169 in the previous session, its highest level since March 10.

Against the yen, the dollar was down 0.2 percent at 103.72 .

"Rangebound trading continues, with the 104 level heavy for the dollar-yen," said Kaneo Ogino, director at foreign exchange research firm Global-info Co in Tokyo. "It's just short-term guys, playing in the market."

U.S. interest rates remain a key focus of the markets, he said, with a December rate hike still anticipated.

However, a rate increase this year is still not a done deal.

Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer said on Monday that economic stability could be threatened by low interest rates, but it was "not that simple" for the Fed to hike.

A suggestion by Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen on Friday that the central bank may allow inflation to exceed its 2 percent target pushed U.S. bond yields to four-month highs and gave the dollar a lift.

The euro added 0.2 percent to $1.1017, moving away from a nearly three-month low of $1.0962 hit on Monday, as investors looked ahead to the European Central Bank's policy meeting later this week.

The ECB may discuss technical changes that would allow it to extend its 1.7 trillion-euro of asset purchases beyond the March 2017 end-date, at a time when talk of potentially "tapering" its scheme has put markets on edge.

Recently battered sterling added 0.4 percent to $1.2230.

Sterling's near-20 percent plunge since the United Kingdom's vote to leave the European Union has sent inflation expectations soaring, driving investors to trim bets on further interest rate cuts and other potential Bank of England stimulus measures this year.

So, today we again will take a look at EUR. IT seems that our suggestion was correct and indeed EUR is forming a kind of 3-Drive "Buy" pattern on intraday chart.

In perspective of 2-weeks, of course, our major object is 1.09 lows. This is the bottom of brexit candle and our reverse H&S pattern. So, it's breakout will be important moment for EUR in medium-term perspective.
Meantime, currently we have to resolve tactical task. We need to prepare for possible breakout of 1.09 area and take position in advance of this event.

And existence of 1.0930 AB=CD target is very welcome for that. So,our trading plan suggests that as soon as this target will be hit - EUR could show minor bounce to WPP ~1.1050 area. This will be chance for taking short position

Right now EUR is forming the pattern that will let price as to complete 1.0930 target as start upside bounce to 1.1050. This pattern calls 3-Drive "Buy". By completion of 3rd drive price will hit daily target and upside reversal point. Minimum target of 3-DRive is the top between 2nd and 3rd drives - and it stands precisely around WPP and 3/8 Fib resistance at 1.1050 area:

Thus, appearing of 3-Drive matches both issues - completion of daily 1.618 AB-CD and retracement to 1.1050 area. This, in turn, provides different trading possibilities. For scalp traders - this is chance to go long, based on 3-Drive with 100+ pips upside potential. For daily traders where we stand either - chance to go short in advance of 1.09 breakout...
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Good morning,

(Reuters) The dollar stepped back from a seven-month high against an index of currencies on Wednesday after U.S. consumer prices showed a moderation in underlying inflation, prompting markets to trim bets on a December Federal Reserve rate hike.

The U.S. dollar's index against a basket of six major currencies .DXY =USD stood at 97.846, off Monday's seven-month high of 98.169.

The Australian dollar pared some of its earlier gains after a barrage of Chinese economic data. The overall reaction across major currencies was limited, however, as there were no huge surprises.

China's third-quarter gross domestic product matched market forecasts, while September industrial production came in below expectations.

"There was probably some profit-taking in the wake of the (Australian dollar's) rise seen since yesterday," said Hirofumi Suzuki, an economist for Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation in Singapore, adding that there may have been some reaction to the slightly disappointing data on industrial output as well.

Still, Suzuki said the Chinese data overall suggests that Chinese authorities still have solid control over the economy and that the risks of a sharp deterioration are limited. That bodes well for the Aussie dollar in the near term, he said.

The Australian dollar last traded at $0.7670. Earlier on Wednesday, the Aussie dollar rose to $0.7691 at one point, matching its high on Oct. 4.

The Aussie had gained support following comments from Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Philip Lowe on Tuesday that he was comfortable with the current exchange rate.

The dollar struggled to gain traction in the wake of U.S. inflation data on Wednesday.

The so-called core CPI, which strips out food and energy costs, gained 0.1 percent last month after climbing 0.3 percent in August, slowing the year-on-year increase in the core CPI to 2.2 percent following a 2.3 percent rise in August.

Fed fund futures imply around a 65 percent probability of the Federal Reserve raising interest rates by December, down from 70 percent ahead of the U.S. CPI data.

"There was a bit of correction on the dollar's broad strength. The dollar's decline was notably against sterling most, as the British currency was heavily shorted," said Yukio Ishizuki, currency strategist at Daiwa Securities.

The euro held steady at $1.0984, just above Monday's 2-1/2-month low of $1.0964.

A break of that level could open the way for a test of $1.0912, a low marked on June 24 in the wake of the Brexit vote.

The common currency is weighed by wariness ahead of the European Central Bank's policy meeting on Thursday.

The central bank is widely expected to keep its policy unchanged with any decisions on the future of its asset purchase scheme expected to be deferred until December.

But some traders are nervous ECB chief Mario Draghi could take a dovish stance to counter recent talk that the ECB is considering tapering its asset purchases.

The British pound slipped 0.1 percent to $1.2287. Still, sterling held on to the bulk of the gains made on Tuesday, when it climbed 0.95 percent for its biggest daily gain in six weeks.

Short-covering in sterling was triggered after a UK government lawyer said parliament would "very likely" have to ratify any deal to take Britain out of the European Union, and following stronger-than-expected inflation numbers.

Investors generally assume British lawmakers as a whole are less in favor of a hard line on Brexit than Prime Minister Theresa May and the ministers she has put in charge of negotiations.

So, on EUR action was not really strong. Attempt to go higher has failed and mostly EUR behaves according with our expectations. We think that hardly meaningful retracement is possible until price will complete 1.618 AB-CD target @1.0930 area:

Yesterday we've come to conclusion that 3-Drive "Buy" pattern is suitable to achieve both goals - completion of 1.618 target and trigger upside reversal. But now we have 2 bullish stop grabber that have been formed recently. It means that market theoretically could start upward action right from current level. But...
First - for daily chart this is minor issue, how definitely EUR will appear around 1.1050.
Second - daily pattern and targets have more value compares to intraday ones. That's why, despite grabbers, if even market will hit 1.1050 first, then it still should gravitate to 1.0930 target. Currently there is no support between current market and 1.09 lows, EUR is not at oversold, so retracement should not be too deep.
Finally, 3rd drive could take shape of butterfly. This happens very often:

That's being said we're still waiting for 1.0930. If EUR will move to 1.1050 first, may be it will be even better, because chances on drop back will increase, since EUR also will have uncompleted target.
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Good morning,

(Reuters) The euro stood near a three-month low ahead of a European Central Bank meeting later on Thursday, while the Mexican peso rose to a six-week high after the conclusion of the final U.S. presidential debate before the November election.

The euro eased 0.1 percent to $1.0969 , not far from Wednesday's near three-month low of $1.0955.

The main focus for investors is whether or not ECB President Mario Draghi will give any indications that the bank is poised to taper its bond purchase program. The ECB may defer until December any changes to its asset purchase, sources familiar with the discussion said last week.

"If Mario Draghi puts greater emphasis on the need for more stimulus, further losses are likely but if he's optimistic and emphasizes resilience and we think he will given recent data, EUR/USD could find its way back to 1.11," wrote Kathy Lien, managing director at BK Asset Management.

Major currencies showed limited reaction to the third and final debate in the U.S. election campaign between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican rival Donald Trump, while the Mexican peso edged higher.

The Mexican peso, which is closely watched because Mexico is seen as most vulnerable to Republican Donald Trump's economic policy proposals, rose to 18.4555 to the dollar at one point, its highest level since Sept. 8.

The Mexican peso last stood at 18.4760, up around 0.2 percent on the day.

Since most recent opinion polls have favored Clinton, the market's focus had been on whether Trump would be able to use the third and final debate to regain momentum in the final weeks ahead of the Nov. 8 vote.

"There didn't seem to be anything in the latest debate that put Clinton in a tight spot," said Kota Hirayama, senior economist for SMBC Nikko Securities in Tokyo.

A CNN snap poll of debate watchers found Clinton won with 52 percent, and Trump trailed with 39 percent, the network said.

Given the possibility of further unwinding of bearish bets against the Mexican peso and taking into account recent gains in global oil prices, the peso could rise to levels around 18.2 to 18.3 in the near term, Hirayama said.

The dollar was little changed against a basket of six major currencies at 97.925 .DXY. Against the yen, the dollar edged up 0.2 percent to 103.62 yen.

The pound held steady at $1.2281 ahead of British Prime Minister Theresa May's first European Union summit since taking the helm following Britain's June 23 vote to exit the bloc.

A source in May's office said the prime minister would use a dinner at the summit in Brussels to outline her Brexit plan to the other 27 leaders.

The Australian dollar fell 0.6 percent to $0.7679 after a surprise drop in Australian employment in September was seen as adding to the risk of a further cut in interest rates.

Earlier on Thursday, the Australian dollar touched a two-month high of $0.7735, shrugging off a report that the mid-year federal budget update could be the catalyst for Australia to lose its AAA credit rating from Standard & Poor's after the ratings agency put it on negative watch.

If Australia were to be stripped of its AAA credit rating that could gradually prompt investors to shift funds away from the Australian dollar to higher-yielding emerging market currencies, said Masashi Murata, currency strategist for Brown Brothers Harriman in Tokyo.

"Australia's AAA rating is a key reason why money flows globally into the Australian dollar," Murata said.

"Given that Australian interest rates might be lowered and that the AAA rating could be cut, I think that may prompt a shift in funds to emerging markets," Murata said, adding that such moves could occur if risk sentiment remains stable.

So, it's nothing really special across the board on other majors. Thus we could talk on EUR again. Definitely ECB meeting will be driving factor for today. Our analysis stands mostly the same - first is reaching of 1.0930 area and then upside bounce to WPP @1.1050 area.
Technical picture suggests that Draghi comments should be slightly hawkish and moderately supportive for EUR. We do not expect too deep retracement here. For examle he could say something like " we think about contraction of our QE program and probably it will contracted but we do not come yet to final decision... "

On 4-hour chart both our patterns stands on a way - 3-Drive and butterfly. Our suggestion that bullish grabbers will not work was correct. Indeed untouched daily target has overruled them and EUR dropped. As we can see our reversal point almost has been hit. As volatility should increase on Draghi speech - it probably will be hit.

Minimal target of 3-Drive pattern is a top between 2nd and 3rd Drives, thus, it corresponds to WPP and Fib level area around 1.1050
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Good morning,

(Reuters) The dollar stood tall in Asian trading on Friday, on track for a weekly gain against a basket of currencies, as the euro wallowed at seven-month lows after the European Central Bank doused speculation that it would taper its stimulus.

The dollar index, which gauges the greenback against six major rivals, was up 0.2 percent at 98.476 .DXY, up 0.5 percent for the week and near a session high of 98.564, its loftiest peak since March 10.

The euro slipped 0.2 percent to $1.0907, poised to shed 0.6 percent for the week after plumbing $1.0891 earlier on Friday, its lowest since March 10.

ECB President Mario Draghi left the door open to a wide range of policy options and emphasized that a long-awaited rise in inflation is predicated on "very substantial" monetary accommodation - giving markets no reason to believe the central bank was ready to talk about tapering its 1.7 trillion euro ($1.86 trillion) asset-buying program.

"Draghi didn't clearly say that there would be additional stimulus in December, so even though the euro has sold off, it might not continue falling for long," said Kumiko Ishikawa, senior FX analyst at Gaitame.Com Research Institute in Tokyo.

"But from a technical point, now that the June 24 low has been broken, the euro could have more room on the downside and target the March 10 low," she said.

In contrast with the ECB, U.S. data on Thursday showed that U.S. home resales surged in September after two straight months of declines, giving investors more reason to bet that the U.S. Federal Reserve would hike interest rates as early as its Dec. 13-14 meeting.

Separate data showed that first-time filings for unemployment benefits rose more than expected to 260,000 last week, but the trend suggests the labor market remains strong.

The dollar added 0.1 percent to 104.09 yen, edging down 0.1 percent for the week.

"Maybe we're just in a holding pattern ahead of the U.S. election," said Bart Wakabayashi, head of Hong Kong FX sales at State Street Global Markets, adding that regional trading was likely a bit thinner than usual on Friday as Typhoon Haima battered Hong Kong, forcing authorities to shut all but essential services in the global financial hub.

Sterling was down 0.1 percent at $1.2238, on track to gain 0.4 percent for the week.

European Council chief Donald Tusk said EU leaders would not engage in negotiations on Britain's exit from the bloc at Prime Minister Theresa May's first summit in Brussels, ruling out any Brexit negotiations until Britain formally launches the exit process.

The pound shrugged off Tusk's remarks that British Prime Minister Theresa May had confirmed that Brexit talks would be triggered by end-March 2017.

So guys, our EUR tactical setup has been completed, and even exceeded. Market has shown very fast retracement to 1.1040 then it collapsed even below 1.09 area. Currenty I see no big sense to talk on EUR. Probably this is subject for weekly research.
Today I would like to share with you very wonderful setup on CAD, or better to say on Crude Oil.
On daily Crude chart we see nice butterfly Sell pattern. Its 1.27 target has been hit and price has formed and confirmed perfect DRPO "Sell" pattern. It means that Crude oil could show retracement to 50$ area.
We do not expect real bearish reversal, but mostly this tactical retracement by far, since on crude is large H&S pattern is forming and greater butterfly:

Now, how we could combine it with CAD chart. Very simple. On daily CAD chart we have uncompleted AB=CD target, 1.27 butterfly target at daily overbought. This retracement on Crude suggests upside action on CAD and completion of 1.34 target. Also pay attention on strong rebound out from MPP yesterday:

For taking long position we could watch for B&B "Buy" pattern on 4-hour chart, based on recent thrust. This will most safe way for position taking:

On hourly chart upside reversal also has taken greate shape. Perfect "rejection of price" behavior:
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(Reuters) The dollar on Friday posted its best weekly performance in more than seven months after strong U.S. retail sales and producer prices data for September reinforced expectations the Federal Reserve would raise interest rates in December.

The U.S. currency briefly trimmed gains versus the Japanese yen and euro after Fed Chair Janet Yellen said the U.S. central bank might need to run a "high-pressure" economy to reverse damage from the last financial crisis.

Her view of the economy did not alter expectations for a December rate hike, analysts said.

"Yellen's comments were more about the Fed looking down the road, and her concerns about the last financial crisis shed light on why the Fed has been so hesitant to raise interest rates," said Joe Manimbo, senior market analyst at Western Union Business Solutions in Washington.

The dollar index, which tracks the greenback against a basket of six major currencies, rose 0.4 percent to 97.935 .DXY. It was up 1.4 percent for the week and 2.5 percent for the month so far.

The safe-haven yen and Swiss franc fell versus the dollar after risk sentiment got a boost from Chinese data showing producer prices rose for the first time in nearly five years. That boded well for the global economy which has been battling the threat of deflation in recent months.

The U.S. retail sales data, which showed a 0.6 percent rise last month after declining 0.2 percent in August, supported the dollar's gains. Other data on Friday suggested a pickup in inflation, with producer prices rising broadly last month to record their biggest year-on-year increase since December 2014.

The minutes of the latest Fed meeting in September, released on Wednesday, prompted investors to raise their bets of a U.S. rate increase in December, to a 70 percent chance.

Against the yen, the dollar rose 0.3 percent to 104.03. It was up 1.2 percent for the week.

The euro fell 0.6 percent to $1.0992, after earlier hitting $1.0983, its weakest level since late July. It was down 1.6 percent for the week, its worst weekly performance since late February.

Guys, as US elections gradually becomes topic #1, here we put recent research on perspectives of Trump victory.

News in Charts| Trump Lite or Donald Dark?
by Fathom Consulting

The emergence of Donald Trump as a political force reflects a mood of growing discontent about immigration, globalization and the distribution of wealth. As a consequence, regardless of whether or not Mr. Trump prevails, the forces that have brought him this close to Presidency are likely to remain in place. Indeed, it is increasingly evident that public opinion across much of the Western world has shifted away from the integrationist ideals of economists, towards a belief in the benefits of isolationism — of cutting oneself off from the rest of the world.


The prospect of Mr. Trump becoming the next US President has alarmed many economists and investors. We reflect those concerns in our downside scenario, ‘Donald Dark’, in which Mr. Trump’s victory is part of a broader shift towards isolationism, throwing globalization into reverse and threatening both financial market turmoil and recession. However, it is doubtful whether Mr. Trump intends to fully deliver the programme that he has set out – which politician ever does? And even if he wanted to, we doubt that he could. Thanks to Mr. Trump’s pledge to cut taxes and increase government spending, we can even envisage a ‘Trump Lite’ world, where US GDP is a little higher than it might have been otherwise. This is illustrated in the chart above, and is the most likely of our two simulations.

Plenty of sound and fury
A number of checks and balances exist to prevent the US President from having free rein: new US laws need to be approved by Congress (both the Senate and House of Representatives), not just the US President. The Supreme Court has the power to overrule these laws if they are deemed unconstitutional.

Assuming Mr. Trump wins next month’s election, the Republicans would probably keep control of both the Senate and House. But even then, there is no guarantee that they will pass the laws necessary for Mr. Trump to push through his agenda.

The US President cannot remove Supreme Court judges, or heads of independent agencies such as the Federal Reserve. However, the President can nominate candidates for vacant positions, which must then be approved by the Senate.

Donald Trump’s agenda in brief
Mr. Trump has campaigned to improve the fortunes of US workers by reducing the US trade deficit and increasing US manufacturing employment. To do so, he has pledged to tear up or renegotiate existing trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and walk away from trade deals in the pipeline such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). He has also threatened to slap tariffs on imports from China and Mexico to the tune of 45% and 35% respectively, after branding the former a currency manipulator.


Mr. Trump has said he would deport an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants, increase border patrols and build a wall between the US and Mexico. These policies would reduce US population growth and US GDP growth.

But Mr. Trump has proposed a number of pro-growth policies too. These include lowering energy costs (albeit at the expense of the environment), boosting labor participation by subsidizing childcare, cutting regulation, increasing government spending and cutting taxes. For these reasons, it seems, many US small business owners prefer Donald Trump to Hillary Clinton. Mr. Trump’s fiscal plans would cause US government debt to rise significantly; independent estimates range from US$2.6 trillion to US$9.5 trillion over ten years.

Trump Lite
In our central Trump scenario, which we call Trump Lite, nothing much changes. In this world, either Mr. Trump backs down on his more controversial proposals, or he is unable to pass the laws he needs to enact them. Accordingly, we assume only a small number of deportations and minor trade disputes with China and Mexico. Broadly speaking, business carries on as usual.

Less immigration and less trade would be bad for US GDP growth, but we think that Mr. Trump’s pro-business policies and fiscal package would offset this. Overall, we expect a small net positive boost to real US GDP in this scenario. Moreover, to the extent that Mr. Trump’s fiscal policies are inflationary, his victory may enable faster normalization of US interest rates. As we have highlighted in the past, we think that this would be good for the US economy.

Donald Dark
There is a risk that this all goes horribly wrong. The US President has relatively free reign to start a trade war by using existing US laws, thereby avoiding approval from Congress. A US President could, for example, slap tariffs and quotas on imports by invoking the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (1977) or sections of the Trade Act of 1974.

The legalities of these tariffs would be challenged in the courts by US firms and other countries, who are likely to retaliate. In short, things could get messy, with Mr. Trump’s presidency feeding the mood of isolationism and populist politics. It could also contribute to events such as a ‘hard Brexit’ and Marine Le Pen doing well in the French presidential elections, both of which would fuel concerns about the future of the European Union. In this world, we forecast a sharp fall in global trade, as well as a sharp slowdown in the annual rate of US population growth due to the mass deportation of illegal immigrants. US GDP falls sharply from baseline (the baseline in our simulation is the consensus implied path) and the global economy enters a 2008-style recession.


For all of Mr. Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric, we think that the most likely outcome of a Trump presidency would be something closer to Trump Lite. That said, investors should brace themselves for the risk of Donald Dark and hedge themselves against that outcome, where possible.

In either world, the US dollar appreciates
Assuming an initial risk-off reaction to a Trump victory, we think that the US dollar would rise due to safe haven demand. It may seem curious that the US dollar would benefit from safe haven demand, even though the US is the source of concern, but that is exactly what happened during the 2008 global financial crisis.

In the Donald Dark world, safe haven demand is likely to keep the dollar supported in the near- and medium-term. In our Trump Lite scenario, the initial appreciation of the dollar post-election may well be reversed, but as soon as it became clear that the US economy would continue to grow (indeed, grow faster than in our base case) the dollar would likely appreciate again. Higher US interest rates as a result of better-than-expected economic outcomes and higher inflation would also drive the dollar higher in the medium-term.

We also think that the US dollar would appreciate if Hillary Clinton wins, since US interest rates would climb faster than investors currently anticipate. Either way, in our view, now is a good time to buy the US dollar.

US Treasuries would also benefit from safe haven flows after a Trump victory. Under our Trump Lite scenario, we think that this would be short-lived, whereas in the Donald Dark world, Treasuries would continue to benefit from safe haven flows.

Equities fare very poorly under our Donald Dark scenario due to a significantly weaker growth outlook. Diminished trade results in a smaller economic pie, with labor’s share of that pie rising significantly due to greater bargaining power for workers as the available pool of labor shrinks. This is a double-whammy for equity holders who suffer from both a smaller pie and reduced share of that smaller pie.

In Trump Lite, the economy is a little bigger than it otherwise would be, although since labor’s share of income also rises in this world, equity holders are worse off than they would be in the consensus implied baseline (at least, before considering any changes to the US tax code).


Another way to benefit from a Trump victory is to hold a short position in either the Mexican peso or Mexican stock market going into the election. As our chart highlights, the Mexican peso falls and the Mexican stock market underperforms when Mr. Trump does well in the polls.

How did we get here, and where do we go next?
The emergence of Mr. Trump as a political force reflects a mood of growing discontent (in the developed world at least) about immigration, globalization, inequality and the benefits of free trade. Low earners in rich countries feel that globalization has not worked for them. Judging by the fall of labor’s share of income and the widening gap between the real income growth of the richest and poorest households, that concern may be valid.

Indeed, as Edward Luce from the Financial Times noted in a recent article, “if Mr. Trump loses it will be due to character – not because of his message”. The forces that have brought Donald Trump this close to the Presidency are akin to those unleashed by the Brexit referendum in the UK, and to those behind the rise of extremist parties across the developed world. Those forces are likely to remain in place whether or not Mr. Trump prevails.


Let me add 2 cents. Although many people could say - this is not the fact yet that Trump will win and may be all that you've said above is just one of possible scenarios, but I'm sure that Trump will become a president, if of course he will escape Kennedy's destiny. First is, Mr. Roldugin is world famous cellist, said that "Wise people have said me that Mr. Trump will become a president". Mr. Roldugin is a close friend of Mr. Putin and public person and it is impossible to suggest that he said that just occasionally.
Second - we have two hints from the past:
Trump will become a president. This is matrix, guys :cool:. Here is screenshots of 2000 Simpson cartoon and real photo of Trump on stairs.


Here is screenshot from "Rage against the Machine" Matrix soundtrack clip:

Thus, Im sure that Trump will become a president. As a result, Trump will make an accent on inner US affairs and problems and will work to normalize all this mess that now stands in US after neo-colonisators rulling time. It means that all that Fathom have said about "Donald Dark" scenario could be closer to reality than we think.

COT Report
CFTC data shows scenario that we've talked about and would like to get last week. Indeed, speculative net short position has increased, EUR dropped, open interest has increased as well. Thus, new shorts have come to market. Classical bearish changes during last week:
View attachment 28038


Last week EUR finally has turned to activity. Our bearish view starts to get real confirmation by market action. Thus, major picture that we see on the monthly chart is the same - important bearish reversal candle and flag-shaped consolidation within last 3-4 months that has been broken down recently. This combination doesn't look really bullish for EUR here.

Currently EUR stands at rather strong support area. This is lower border of downward channel and all-time 5/8 Fib support. Here EUR has formed Butterfly "buy" and it has reached first 1.27 extension here. Probably it needs some time to pass through this level and supportive fundamental background of US strength.

EUR is forming typical reversal candle in May. Price has moved above April top and closed below April's lows. It could not get extended continuation, but usually market shows downward continuation within next 1-3 candles.
Sometimes reversal candles lead to collapse, as it was on EUR around 1.40 area. Thrust down has started particularly by reversal candle in March 2014.

Speaking on big scale bearish signs, we have these ones:
EUR was not able to reach YPR1 and returned right back down to YPP. Following this logic next destination could be YPS1 right around parity and 1.618 butterfly target. This is just another destination point that we have here.

Appearing of reversal candle brings nothing good to bulls. Currently we can't precisely forecast the consequences of its appearing, but even minor results will bring some months of downward action inside current 1.04 -1.15 consolidation... Although potential bearish impact could be even stronger.

Finally we have another bearish sign that looks like bearish dynamic pressure. Take a look that although trend holds bullish - market shows inablitity to move up, even from strong support area. Next strong support stands precisely at parity and will become a culmination of downward action, since this level includes support line, YPS1 and butterfly 1.618 target. Brexit results hardly will bring prosperity to EU and probably will become another bearish driving factor for EUR. We aleardy see consequences of Brexit on GBP, so, some negative impact on EUR also will happen, this is just a question of time.

Finally expectation of rate hike in US in Dec and continuation in 2017 will make additional pressure on EUR/USD rate in medium-term perspective.

Also take a look at different behavior near low border of channel. Previously when market has touched it - it shows immediate upside pullback, it was V-shape reversal. Right now behavior is absolutely different, price just hangs on the border and shows no upside action. Any tight consolidation near trendline could become a sign of coming breakout.

Thus, based on monthly chart we could make two major conclusions. First is - real bullish trend will be re-established only when EUR will erase reversal candle and overcome its top above 1.16. Second, if EUR will still keep moderate bearish sentiment, downside potential hardly will be lower than parity, due recent Fed dovish adjustments to its policy for 2017-2018.
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Last month situation here was mostly "indecision", as market was keeping valid as bullish patterns as some bearish signs that now still exist here. Last week finally we've got some clarity and our suspicious about bullish perspectives were confirmed. EUR has dropped. Drop, as you can see was rather solid. Trend has turned bearish and grabbers have been erased.
As market is not at oversold here, it should continue downward action. On weekly chart our major AB=CD pattern starts right from the top. On Brexit drop market has completed it's 1.0 target, i.e. AB=CD, after that we've got upside 5/8 retracement and now EUR is re-established downward action. Since 1.09 target already has been hit, following the logic of AB=CD extensions, it should continue to next one, 1.618 target that stands around 1.06 area.
Also take a look that downward action could take the shape of butterfly with the same 1.0630 target, as 1.618 extension. In general, breakout of 1.09 area stands in a row with our daily analysis, since this is Head of our H&S pattern. As it has failed already, this process should be completed by drop through the head's low.
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On daily chart last week sell-off was really strong. Market has shown response on butterfly 1.618 target that we were tracking last week, but this reaction was shy and Friday's collapse has followed then. Next daily target stands around 1.0930-1.0960 range. Here we do not have clear patterns. If EUR will show meaningful pullback on next week, may be to WPP - this could become chance to go short that we will monitor.
The question is whether pullback will happen after EUR will hit 1.0930 target or before that...

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Last week we've got neither B&B "Sell" nor DRPO pattern here. Actually this was a kind of B&B "Sell" Look-alike (LAL), since everything was looked like normal B&B except reaching of major Fib level. It seems that selling pressure was so strong that price wasn't able even to reach Fib resistance.
In the beginning of the next week we need to see signs of possible upward retracement and it should start by some bullish reversal pattern on intraday chart. For example, it could be 3 Drive "Buy". It's reversal point coincides with daily 1.618 target and this makes overall situation interesting. Also we could get simple 1.618 Butterfly instead of 3-Drive, but this will not change overall analysis. This is just different shape - how price will reach 1.0930.
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If we will get this pattern and following upside retracement on daily chart, next step will be is to watch for chances to go short and sell the rally.

Please read conclusion carefully to avoid any misapprehension.


Our long-term view mostly bearish for EUR,
based on action that it shows around major support and due anticipation of more agressive Fed policy. Bearish view will be valid until market will stand below 1.16 top.

In shorter -term perspective our conclusion stands as follows:
- Watch for upside retracement on daily chart, at least to WPP;
- Use this retracement for short entry.

The technical portion of Sive's analysis owes a great deal to Joe DiNapoli's methods, and uses a number of Joe's proprietary indicators. Please note that Sive's analysis is his own view of the market and is not endorsed by Joe DiNapoli or any related companies.

Hi Sive,
Thank you for this interesting and challenging report.
Both dark and Lite scenarios do not look upbeat for mankind in general, no doubt the lower income classes will suffer. I find it puzzling that now more then ever before people have all sorts of mod cons, TV, mobile phones, internet etc. Access to education, nearly full time employment. They have and buy more, be it on credit then ever before and the discontent and anti establishment is growing.
Thank you Sive, I will watch and see what will eventuate, please keep us posted,much appreciated.