FPA Introduces SIGNALS Performance Testing

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And now the latest news on Signals.

There is one new volunteer on a live account...

HunterPip Automated Signals

I'd like to thank the people at Hunter Pip for volunteering.

And we've lost another rare and endangered animal. The account balance for PandaFX signals has gone extinct.
I've got one new signals service for you...


In the restart category is...

IFTI Service

Their prior live test had an issue with lot sizes. That's been worked out and the new test is up and running. Old results are available from the drop down menu on the test page.

I've also got what might best be called an Epic Failure. ForexEpic had 2 tests running with the FPA. Their Signals test was profitable. Their Managed Account test had mixed results. Both were provided only through Aurora-Fx, a broker owned by Forex Epic. Aurora Fx went into liquidation and clients don't currently have access to their money.
And another forex signals provider has provided the FPA with access to a live account...


I'd like to thank them for volunteering and wish them the best of luck.
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