Ponzi Scheme investing4you.co.uk scam forex investment

Guaranteed profits become guaranteed losses.
Sorry, I understand now. Doubt his high powered criminal defence barristers will let Declan utter a single word to anyone, without their prior authorisation anyway.
Exactly ..because upto that point he was caught up in his own web of lies, now people are talking and digging his hole deeper.. now its out his hands and the BS will now be professional defence BS all aimed at getting him off. Exactly what they are payed to achieve.:)...and its down to the police, then the CPS to fight their case. A long long process if it comes to this..years!!

Thank you for your email and I can confirm that I have noted the comments made and fully appreciate your concerns.

The enquiries being carried out have only recently commenced and though we are attempting to be as expeditious as possible, due to the nature of these enquiries I cannot provide a specific timescale as to when these will be completed.

I can confirm that the Director of Investing4you Ltd has been contacted and spoken to and that he is co-operating with our enquiries.

I would ask that until our enquiries have been concluded individuals refrain from directly contacting anyone at Investing4you or their family members.

In order to collate and assess all complaints / referrals I have attached a questionnaire covering the circumstances surrounding individuals dealings with Investing4you Ltd and would ask that this be completed and emailed back to myself.

Could I please ask that all paperwork / documentation and electronic communications such as emails, text messages etc; also be retained.

The individual Investigation Report relating to Investing4You Ltd is 16/77416/21, this should be quoted in all future correspondence.

If you require any referral to Victim Support or have any welfare issues please let me know and for reference I have attached a leaflet with contacts for other useful agencies and support organisations.


Any client's that are lurking and do not with to comment, please contact this officer and fill in his questionnaire.
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May I suggest not putting full details on from any correspondence with the police and perhaps bullet point key points just in case anything is quoted that may jeopardise the investigation.

You could have easily just summarised that email
It is impossible to fully answer your question right now, because we do not know:

1. Was any money placed with a broker? If so, was it all the money sent to Declan?
2. Did the broker place the trades, or did Declan?
3. Did the trade results even appear to match the claimed returns or was it unprofitable?
4. Did the broker tell Declan to recruit people with stories of impossible returns and offer him a percent or not?
5. Many other details about the relationship and terms between the broker and Declan.

Because of this the broker may be:

1. Non-existent. It's very possible no account was ever funded and no broker was ever involved.
2. Just a broker Declan traded with. If there was no special relationship and the broker did not know that any of the money was from 3rd parties, then the broker is just a witness to how much money was gained/lost in trading and how much of the money Declan collected were deposited and withdrawn.
3. An evil co-conspirator.
4. A company so evil that they managed to turn a simple grocery worker into the source of funds while leaving him completely unknowing of the terrible things he was doing. Oh wait, the fact that he knew he was expected to be FCA registered and made up variable lies to explain the lack of an FCA number makes this highly unlikely that he was a clueless and duped.

As for Declan, no matter how evil the broker (if there even was a broker) turns out to be, it does appear that he's done a whole lot of things the FCA and courts will not approve of.

Is that a sufficient explanation, or should I make a flow-chart? :D
That’s helps a little thanks
that may be true but if people carelessly share stuff ongoing then it could jeopardise things. All I am saying is to be careful with what is shared.
Of course :) any other updates that could expose people or jeopardise the investigation will not be shared publicly in this forum.

I have plenty of stuff I've given to the officer that I have not shared in this forum publicly, don't worry.

Thank you for your email and I can confirm that I have noted the comments made and fully appreciate your concerns.

The enquiries being carried out have only recently commenced and though we are attempting to be as expeditious as possible, due to the nature of these enquiries I cannot provide a specific timescale as to when these will be completed.

I can confirm that the Director of Investing4you Ltd has been contacted and spoken to and that he is co-operating with our enquiries.

I would ask that until our enquiries have been concluded individuals refrain from directly contacting anyone at Investing4you or their family members.

In order to collate and assess all complaints / referrals I have attached a questionnaire covering the circumstances surrounding individuals dealings with Investing4you Ltd and would ask that this be completed and emailed back to myself.

Could I please ask that all paperwork / documentation and electronic communications such as emails, text messages etc; also be retained.

The individual Investigation Report relating to Investing4You Ltd is 16/77416/21, this should be quoted in all future correspondence.

If you require any referral to Victim Support or have any welfare issues please let me know and for reference I have attached a leaflet with contacts for other useful agencies and support organisations.


Any client's that are lurking and do not with to comment, please contact this officer and fill in his questionnaire.
This is brilliant, I have passed this to a friend that is victim to this scam. This thread has been brilliant and is supporting a few good lads that feel f@~%ing ruined by this.

Thanks to everyone in this thread, brilliant job.