Ponzi Scheme investing4you.co.uk scam forex investment

Guaranteed profits become guaranteed losses.
Anyone with money will know how difficult it is to Buy a "car" and buy a "house" due to AML (anti money laundering law) you cant even put a deposit down without proving where its come from and its had tax paid etc or via a situated company with accounts VAT reg .

The same with banks , they don't just allow you to have millions of pounds of different deposits through an account that use to have £1200 wages going in? Due to online fraud, which is huge these days and the AML its's near impossible.

If the account is "offshore" then this is more likely..no laws , hence why they are used. Any one would be crazy even if the banks allowed it, to keep it all in a account here.

If hes been making payments back quickly then he has "some" money available but as you will see, this will be no where near what's at stake here...so yes he can say to the police "the money is there"...just £100,000 is not £6 million!!

he moved to accepting PayPal transfers???haha.
so basically if the garage sold him the car and by passed the AML they are in trouble!! same for the solicitors that have handled the payment for the house!.. at a guess nether will be in his name , question is who,s name...they will also be charged with money laundering.

Its the Money laundering side of this everyone needs to be worried about, not the fraud,..and it carrys decent HMP holiday time for anyone passing money around trying to avoid the AML.
If you're paying full amount, in cash, who's going to question it. He's probably not gotten a mortgage because they would ask too many questions.

He would literally hire a solicitor and send the money over and just complete?
You still have to provide ‘proof of legit funds’
If you're paying full amount, in cash, who's going to question it. He's probably not gotten a mortgage because they would ask too many questions.

He would literally hire a solicitor and send the money over and just complete?
your right , no mortgage would be given on a few months accounts, self employed!! someone else is involved and there the ones who need to worry!
your right , no mortgage would be given on a few months accounts, self employed!! someone else is involved and there the ones who need to worry!
100% someone else is involved, no chance this is the brain child of this Declan guy. This is obviously bigger than anyone in this town imagined or foresaw. I would imagine Declan himself has been duped in a way, whether or not he knows it, only he can answer that. But this little old town has been butt f@~k'd
I don’t think they own the house they’re in now .. if you check when it was last sold it states 2007..

You can pay £3 at the Land Registry and obtain the information as to the owners. You just need to know the number of the house and the post code.
He's correct the land registry hasn't changed, but it does normally take them a few months.

Yeah I got the title entry and it's still showing as the owner from 2007.

I'm going to buy Kimberly-Clark shares as they'll be skyrocketing soon with all the ML issues surrounding this
If there really was a broker and if the broker knowingly accepted 3rd party deposits via Declan Nowell (so far all reports are that all money was sent to his personal accounts), that would be a serious AML violation. If the broker promised unreasonable rates of return, that could also be of interest to the courts. If the brokers actually said something like "bring us victims to be fleeced and we'lll give you 20% of all deposits" that would definitely be criminal.

But remember - Declan not only accepted the deposits, but paid the withdrawals very quickly. Are we supposed to believe he paid those out of his own funds while waiting for the withdrawals from the broker? Whether or not he placed some or all money in a broker account and whether whether or not any trading in the account was done by him or by someone else, he was actively accepting UK clients into what was purported to be an investment plan without being registered with the FCA. Even if he was somehow colossally stupid enough to be tricked by a broker, he violated numerous regulations and could also be charged with gross negligence. There's also the highly variable story about his FCA regulation status. This shows he was indeed aware that he and his company needed to be regulated. That's going to make any "But I'm just a gullible person who was used by an evil broker" defense very easy to challenge.

So, Declan is definitely not going to get a free pass even if he can successfully shift some of the blame to a broker (which may or may not exist and which may or may not have done anything illegal).

It's very common for Ponzi schemes to have a trading account, often even one with a well respected broker. The trick is that only a small fraction of client/victim deposits ever go into the account. Every time I've seen this, the account was losing.

Very few lawyers skip all upfront fee and costs unless they are very sure of a large settlement. The only immediate use I can see for a civil lawyer might be to place a lien against any major assets that he could sell (like a house and a car - assuming the car was purchased instead of rented) if the titles to those haven't already been secured by regulators or the criminal courts. Beyond that, keeping a lawyer on standby wouldn't be a bad thing. Since there's a chance that the criminal courts will grab all available assets, any law firm will be hesitant to invest a lot of time, effort, filing fees,etc. for free at this point. IOn the other hand, if criminal courts and regulator aren't thorough enough at trying to recover the fund, having a law firm that's already familiar with the case would be useful.
That doesn’t really answer my question