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I'm looking for a managed forex account, with a minimum investment of about $1000, although if it checks out ok I'd consider investing $5000 or more.

I found Managed-forex-accounts.com, which claims to be based in Germany and has 3 managed accounts available to invest in, each with different strategies and levels of investment.

Has anyone heard of this company, invested in them, any experience, thoughts etc ?

Alternatively, do you know of any legitimate managed forex accounts. Ideally I'm looking for a company based in the EU or USA with supposed financial regulation to cover money deposited via a broker (at least in theory), which operates via a LPOA agreement to withdraw commissions based on new high watermark profit level reached.

I'm finding it very difficult finding legitimate companies and related reviews.


I tried to look at those accounts, but they wanted a login.

I'm not willing to waste my time and share my email address to be able to look at these. Any serious Managed Accounts company needs to post verifiable results on their website.

Some of their investments prohibit US and German clients. For what appears to be a German company, this seems odd. If these are real managed accounts, the chances are that this website is just a reseller.

Read this for advice on picking a good account manager:
