Secured Options Scam

Secured Options have a 30 day Withdrawal policy - meaning you can't make a first Withdrawal until after 30 days have elapsed. You sign up to a Trading Program and they phone you instantly before you ever see their Terms and Conditions. Then when I tried withdrawing my Deposit after the 30 days they hadn't bothered to process it after about a week. I noticed this every time I logged on to the site - so eventually spoke to the FCA, the Gambling Commission and even the US Embassy (they are based in the Marshall Islands in the Pacific).

I phoned UK Options reminding them of my Withdrawal request - they asked if my Account had been verified - which it has to have been before anything happens with it - and my request was finally honoured. Not sure whether there was dishonesty involved here or just incompetence, but maybe anyone having problems with them should do what I did.

As for the Competence of some of these Brokers - when asked what the British European Referendum would mean for the Markets someone from another Company couldn't - or wouldn't - tell me. Tell this to anyone who had any Put Options of the £ on June 24th!!!!!