Hi Everyone


Just posting an introduction and to say hi. I'm Bob, and I also do homebrew beer and wine, hence the screen name. I live and work in the UK, and recently came across forex binary trading. I'm very new at trading and am about halfway through the excellent Forex Military School guide on here. I wish I had read this guide sooner, but that's life. Hopefully the guide/training and with support I will make a go of forex trading. No doubt I will have a million questions along the way, so I give you early warning. :)
Welcome to FPA Bob, You can ask any question here regarding Forex and we are more than happy to assist you.:)
Thanks for the welcome. I'm still ploughing my way through Army Boot Camp which I have to say is very informative. No doubt I will have loads of questions once I have read it all and try to put it all into practice.