Be aware of


[langtitle=es]Be aware of [/langtitle]

Tengan mucho cuidado con esta empresa muy peligrosa, son estafadores internacionales con varias otras companias. Pude identificar dos mas de las cuales una esta cerrada ya que es la primera, adelante les publico los nombres. Hice una inversion de 2500.00 dolares y gane 79 mil dolares cuando comenzo a descalabrarse el euro, todavia espero el pago. Lo mas interesante es que me entretuvieron por casi tres meses y cuando me desidi hacer la declaracion de estafa al banco para que me devolvieran el dinero habia pasado el tiempo reglamentario que son tres meses. Estas tres son la misma basura. Misteriosamente la cuenta esta funcional todavia pero con un spread que es imposible de ganar una sola transaccion.

Be aware and be carefully of this companies are very dangerous, they are internationa scammers with differents companies. I can identify only two more, one is closed now because is the first one, below I will publish the company names. I make a total 2500.00 us investment and I win 79000 dolars when the euro begin to go down the last year, I am still waiting for the payment. The most interesting thing is that they delay me for about 3 month and when I take the desition to make the fraud declaration to the bank to recover my money 3 month will past and the time is void to recover my money back. This other companies are the same scum bags... Misteriouslly the account backoffice is still working but with an imposible spread to gain any transacction again.

Thank you all,

Jose Lahoz
You talked all this with live chat?

Pleas go there again and talk wit them and ask for proper answer if they say they will forward your request to manager then ask them to send him this thread link also and invite to clear things over here.
I do all and no respond from them, all the time promises and promises, they are an scam company. I found a lot of similar problems with them over the internet.