Retail forex traders don't make money?

If there are someone winning, there must be someone losing. There are no free money in this world. Crypto are one of the example. When the majority thought they are good investment, they never asked themselves who will lose the money to them if it is keep going up.
All business are profitable to me. But as a forex trader I have seen that more than retail trader forex trader makes profit. Because form forex business trader can earn unlimited amount of money which is not possible in any other business. Another reason is forex is very risky. Because of being its risk it has more money making opportunity. Rather than forex business retail business has less risk. So, it has also less money making opportunity.
Yes, you are right, on forex, one should lose money for the other to get it, unfortunately, this is how the market works. It's like in real life there are always winners and losers:)
I can't agree with it 100%, but the fact that retail traders in particular earn less than anyone less is totally true.
Yes, they make money, but it must be quite a small profit that is difficult to be put into trade again. That's why everyone tries to trade with large sums.
Percent of retail traders making money would be low. However, an important reason for the same would be lack of systematic approach, lack of time etc rather than any bias against them. Retail traders who work full time on this, or at least, completely into it, when trading actively have a much higher chance of making profits.
I also see there are more retailer traders than of high investors. majority of clients do trading on standard accounts, all are not professional who invest millions in trading.Forex is a user-friendly business it covers all types of investors and they all make a profit as per their trading.
Retail Forex trading is just a small segment of the Forex market. Here, traders are able to trade spot currencies with market makers on margin. Retail traders trade in small size so that they can get out of their positions at any time with minimal slippage. Do you people want to be a small size trader?
I wouldn't say that forex is a friendly market. The rules are often really tough here and if you don't follow them, you can end up with loosing your money soon.
Overall he is totally correct or at least not that mistaken like it should clearly and possibly and not the banks but brokers who make most of their money from spreads and leverages, it's always where is winner and looser and many do not win at all.