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All the proof is right there

The whole reason that I put this post here and called it a questionable question is because of what goes on here and other review sites.

Competitors, often nothing more than in the form of affiliate sellers of junk robots, come in and bash something they feel threatens them.

And it is questionable because of this:

I have two customers named David from anything remotely close to 6 months ago. One is in London and one in Costa Rica. Now maybe this person moved to Vietnam but that isn't even the whole issue.

I have this open for a year and it has one post that someone claims to never get a signal and then you think that has weight.

I put the challenge back on them. I gave the proof that they missed ONE signal and put the evidence which hundreds of people can come and refute.

This particular one was chosen for two reasons. First, because on this one I can show in the picture a piece of info not usually shown publicly which will allow anyone with the system, together with the info in the post, to reconstruct and verify. Secondly, because members at the member site saw it posted ahead of time and they can verify or deny.

The only issue in his fake (as far as I can tell) "review" is that this person supposedly has not been able to get a signal. This is utter nonsense. And I put forth the challenge to him to send for the detailed pic of the setup. This happened live and in advance and I have met all challenges with proof to anyone who may wish to challenge in a verifiable way.

Now let this David come and get the proof or let any one of Supertradesystem owners come and look over this setup or let anyone who has been on the live forum, chat or watchlist verify it was posted as a signal and subsequently triggered at that signal.

Maybe after another year I will consider giving freebie signals, not today.

Request for copyright violations?

Oh I forgot there was another aspect to the "review". This person asked for other system owners to post pending signals.

The posting of signals from a trading system of any kind is copyright violation because it is a derivative work. This is clearly disallowed on the first page of the ebook so I am sure he has read it, right?


Cheers, Cyclon
Ya really gotta laugh sometimes

I post announcements in lots of places about my trading system. Most of the replies are just an excuse for the individual to ride on my topic and drop an affiliate link.

Here is an example (after a 3 word comment supposedly to my topic):

Reliable GPT programs :
#1 LinkBucks - Earn Cash for Posting Links! Earned $34,56
#2 NoPayPoker - Get paid to play poker!
#3 Uploading - Earn $10 per 1000 unique downloads!

So if you hurry you can get $10 for downloading 1000 programs.

This was in a Forex Forum. Many times the links are for forex trading related items. But the comments almost always give away the clear signal that this person has not traded with the object of the link. It is just some slim hope of making a small commission.

Similarly, the recent posting on my reviews section has shown that the person not only is not a Supertradesystem owner, they would not even know how poorly a ZigZag indicator will perform.

Properly drawn trendlines or channels will give you better results than any single lagging indicator. My system is designed UPON the fact that there are Zigzags in the market. But I do not use a zigzag indicator.

My system is coupled together with the two halves of thrust in a zigzag and then determines what the Fibonacci Timeframe will be for the new trend upon reversal.

This is done in a completely unique way which corrects for the weakness inherent in using arbitrary candle timeframes and the lag of indicators. It puts them back together to reconstruct the Fibonacci basis in the tick data by using particular groupings of Fibonacci settings on the indicators.

This is done so that upon that reversal the market has told us what the Fibonacci signal will be and that places our open hands where the indicator has pointed us.

Now I can imagine that when someone sees the pictures I have which show these indicators catching the supertrend's reversal on the retracement, they may think that this is one standard indicator like they are used to using.

It is not. Each one is different and the market has told us which one to use. It has also told us on which timeframe to use it.

So therefore the appearance may be that these are just some cherrypicked location where the indicator has coincidentally wrapped around favorably and the picture is snapped. But the reality is that these are cherry picked by the market. The settings are handed to us.

What is the first question you hear from a newbie?
"What Timeframe should I use?"

You see they KNOW what they don't know. And if you are honest you know you cannot give them a simple useful answer. You know the market is not rigid.

You will say, "You must use a system". That is a simple and correct answer (just not useable).

I am going to give another example which was chosen once again for a particular reason. The reason is that in a previous post I mentioned that we missed this signal because nobody was watching it. Therefore we put a watchlist together. Actually that was in progress already.

But the point was simply that it did get missed and yet it didn't matter. The fact that it was in the past did not change the mechanical steps by which we could say - oops that one got away.

That is because the historical chart leaves the evidence (30 minutes after the train left the station it was indeed historical). All you have is the steps - do they arrive at the conclusion and triggerred signal or don't they?

In the following pic the green arrow is where the analysis begins at what we term a Main Pivot. At the other end at the blue arrow is where the steps yield a reading of exhaustion and that is where the tools will be used to give our signal of Continuation or Reversal. It was a reversal so it also told where the retracement pickup would be should it trigger.


Now this was performed using a 7-1/2 minute timeframe. Yes our tools do adapt standard timeframes to span the variety which is in the market. And that is just the rough location part. Even more precise adaptation occurs at the signal part.

So after the evaluation of the reversal the determination and signal information was given out by the market resulting in the following signal pickup shown in the next picture which WAS triggerred.

And it didn't matter to the market whether ANYONE was listening to the information being transmitted. It sent it out. It is trackable and receivable by this system. But if I or you are not picking up the signal it just moves on without us. And that is why the trading world is in near complete failure by percent of participants. Because they believe a system of failure means success is not possible.

This is the trigger:


This is another newbie question:
"How do I know where to get in so I won't be stopped out all the time?"

Have fun answering that one for them. I just tell em "You must have a system".


Supertradesystem - World's 1st 100% Accurate Trading System
A secondary setup

The GOLD trade had a secondary setup trigger a SHORT.


These are for correction formations, usually a "ZigZag" however it may take other form. It doesn't matter.

The location technique is the same and the secondary setup signal is read the same way.

Just the entry/reversal signal line which gives the place to trigger will be a different one. That is why there are two signal lines on the setups you see.

But remember each pic looks the same but the indicator values are not. These are given by the market and read out on the template as the market indicates.


forgot to give signal setup details for Owners
ST GOLD M2.5 low main pivot of 2/19/2009@10:15GMT+1
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A Special kind of signal on GBP/CAD M30

On Friday Feb. 27th there was...

A Special kind of signal on GBP/CAD M30


This one was actually not posted by myself but one of the Supertraders put it on the Watchlist at the club.​

Oh yeah, the special kind of signal it gave.....​

See answer below.

8- )​

Super Traders Club

Hi Cyclon,

I Love the STAR system and i am having a great time learning to identify the signals. I tried to register as a Super Traders Club guest last Monday but i have not yet received a confirmation email (not in my junk mail). I noticed that in one of your previous posts you said that the forum is open. Have you encountered this problem before and can you help me?

I'm Really keen to get in and check it out!
Thanks for the help!

Yes you do have two signups pending

Hi Cyclon,

I Love the STAR system and i am having a great time learning to identify the signals. I tried to register as a Super Traders Club guest last Monday but i have not yet received a confirmation email (not in my junk mail). I noticed that in one of your previous posts you said that the forum is open. Have you encountered this problem before and can you help me?

I'm Really keen to get in and check it out!
Thanks for the help!


Hi Adam,

Glad you like it. Yes you do have two signups pending which have not been confirmed by the signup email confirmation step.
I've not had any do this as everyone has come further and nobody has remained pending.

(This means I am stumped and will handle it manually).

We'll have it sorted out.

As it happens the gent who posted the Gbp/Cad trade on my earlier post is also from your neck of the woods.
