Ponzi Scheme TadawulME / Exential Group:

Guaranteed profits become guaranteed losses.
Hi everyone,

I'm a investor. I see that the general consensus is that they are a Ponzi scheme and we were all fooled by our own greed. Very well, I accept that. However there are a few questions that remain unanswered that keep me hopeful.
If they are a Ponzi Scam then why?
1- Why did they stop payments at their busiest time?
I thought a Ponzi fell apart when people stopped investing.
2- Why didn't they run?
I would have absconded around November 2015.
3- Why is he still paying his staff? Seems a waste of Funds.
4- Why is he sending emails?
Now that is the dumbest thing a Ponzi mastermind could do. I would want everyone to forget about me ASAP.
5- Why is he defending himself in court?
Last thing I would do if I was the mastermind of a Ponzi.
6- Why has he not been criminally charged?
Well that's anyone's guess.
7- Why are the higher authorities negotiating with him?
If they even are but criminals usually avoid higher authorities.
8- Why didn't he just say that he made bad trades?
He could say he lost the money trading. Most people would accept that.
9- Why is he offering his trading system for free now to clients?
He is not asking for money, you put funds with broker of your choice.

Maybe I'm just stupidly hopeful but if I were to run a Ponzi Scam, my exit or getaway would be meticulously planned. His getaway is not well planned. Remember guys, they were paying before office closed, they didn't stop completely.
I would like to say that I am not a mole. I am a investor. We are on the same side. Please don't send me hate for asking some questions. To be honest, I think they are relevant questions.

Mr Express,

In the spirit of balanced journalism, please raise the above questions in your next article.
to answer a few

1-they stopped payments oct-nov 2015. this is when a lot of EK crew and pilots started pulling out. the majority followed, thus, their payouts are becoming more than their investments. plus the parties, sponsorships and ferraris of SL
2-answer is greed. same as why bernie madoff did not hide. somebody mentioned here that SL already has a hold departure order, thus he cant leave uae.
3-to keep the hopes alive. he needs to prevent the remaining investors from filing a case. maybe because since he cant leave uae (unless he clears all the civil cases). im not too sure on this
4- same as 3 above.
5-is he defending himself? last time i heard, he is not showing up in court anymore. he is even changing lawyers, which is a known tactic to delay the case.
6-criminal charges is next in line. they need to finish the civil case first.
7-not sure on this. a case this magnitude will ruin the image of UAE. authorities might be doing a damage control.
8-because his contract guarantee the return of full capital within 20 days. he cannot use that as an excuse.
9-again, now that he has hold departure order, he needs to restore his image and clear all his pending cases.

im not an investor but the above are just my opinion. :)
Looks like both bardes.monkey and Little Stress have a little secret to share to the rest of the forum members. Or should we expect them retreat like 'givebacktime' who had given an ultimatum to SL a few pages up.
That's True Omar. They have a lot of surprise which SL and his gang is unable to digest and they have sent a PM to Pharoah as well. Just to give you a insight, the concerned person who used to drive ferrari has been arrested on Wednesday evening & the investigation is going on.
Still not convinced.
1- I received a payment in February and people were still receiving up to June. The article in express said that end of 2015 was busiest time for signing new clients. Who said crew were pulling out?
2- Greed for what? Court cases, loss of reputation, payroll and then giving trading signals away for free. Greed would be absconding.
3+4-Keep dream alive to stop court cases? The business can operate whilst going to court. Do you really think civil court cases close a business. If anything he wants court cases. Make it official so people stop complaining.
5- He addressed that in a email.
6- I didn't know that civil cases need to finished before a criminal case could be raised. So in that case he would not be avoiding civil cases but encouraging them. Your logic is flawed.
7- UAE authorities don't seem to care about the tax invasion and unbuilt real estate and modern day slave labour. They aren't going to care about Exential either.
8- So it's better to lie about having the money and break contract anyway?
9- Again, that just doesn't make sense.

If u are not an investor than please don't spread fear through your misguided and illogical opinions.
He was arrested on Wednesday? That's weird, cause I received a email from him on Thursday.

Seriously people, stay calm, rational and patient.

I wonder what's worse.

Exential or those on this forum, that don't even have an account, getting malicious joy from others misfortune. Putting ill informed opinions to increase others misery only to increase their own satisfaction. I believe those people would do better to seek medical help. Mr Express is no better. This forum is full of misinformation probably posted deliberately.

Unless anyone can give factual, logical, reasonable and educated response to my questions above then I deem this forum completely dysfunctional.

To those investors like myself, that have actually invested. Remember this, there is still no concrete proof that u either will or won't get your money back at this stage.

Everything else on this forum is heresay.
He was arrested on Wednesday? That's weird, cause I received a email from him on Thursday.

Seriously people, stay calm, rational and patient.

Hello Friend,

could you kindly tell who you are referring to?

also guys if you have news that can help us investors please don't hold back from saying it as we have been through enough stress because of these eventual germs.
Still not convinced.
1- I received a payment in February and people were still receiving up to June. The article in express said that end of 2015 was busiest time for signing new clients. Who said crew were pulling out?
2- Greed for what? Court cases, loss of reputation, payroll and then giving trading signals away for free. Greed would be absconding.
3+4-Keep dream alive to stop court cases? The business can operate whilst going to court. Do you really think civil court cases close a business. If anything he wants court cases. Make it official so people stop complaining.
5- He addressed that in a email.
6- I didn't know that civil cases need to finished before a criminal case could be raised. So in that case he would not be avoiding civil cases but encouraging them. Your logic is flawed.
7- UAE authorities don't seem to care about the tax invasion and unbuilt real estate and modern day slave labour. They aren't going to care about Exential either.
8- So it's better to lie about having the money and break contract anyway?
9- Again, that just doesn't make sense.

If u are not an investor than please don't spread fear through your misguided and illogical opinions.
Looks like you raised these questions and answered them all by yourself. Although it is a total waste of time responding to your comments, my advise to you would be - do not waste any more time on this forum, rather spend it on intelligent discussions with EG promotors.
weve been here for quite some time. weve seen cheerleaders like you who would strongly believe that EG is not a scam (and yet provide no convincing evidence) and after they have been proven wrong, they just disappear. before u ask people to disprove EG, ask your self first if you are really convinced, without a single doubt, that EG is not a scam. to facilitate that, do your best, or at least learn how to use google, and find any legit investment that gives 100% annual return and GUARANTEE the return of capital within 20 working days.

at this point, questioning the legitimacy of EG is moot. weve been thru it a lot of times. point is, they have delayed the payment. they have not appeared in court many times. promises has been broken a lot of times. what everyone wants now is to get their money back, or get the justice that they deserve.
I'm not convinced either way. I'm trying to promote a balanced argument. Good luck people.
lets just try to answer one of the most common question - why havent they left uae?

my opinion is greed. most ponzi dont have an exit plan, or maybe they have one, but they just didnt follow it because of greed. when they got their first 100 accounts, they somehow have at least aed 5 million. isnt that enough? Madoffs case lasted for decades, yet, he did not went to any countries with no extradition treaties to hide. SL ended up having a hold departure order, thus, he is doing his best to clear all the cases in order for HDO to be lifted. eg has pending payments to everyone, yet, they are only contacting those who filed a case to have an amicable settlement.