What is your favorite movie ?

If only David Lynch and Quentin Tarantino would make a movie together. Lynch is better with setting the mood, but Tarantino always manages to tie up all the loose ends.

You know, I tried to imagine the ultimate outcome of such a cooperation, and the effect was like this so-i-just-divide-by-zero-and-then-demotivational-poster-1216891861.jpg
The Matrix Trilogy
The 5th Element
Secondhand Lions
Oceans 11-13
The Italian Job

Ok, so those last four aren't insinuating anything for the record, lol.
Impossible question, like picking the son you love most :)

I'll say the Tarantino work, maybe pulp fiction and deathproof as the better ones.
Babettes Feast for the acting and story line,
Borat simply for the genius, cheek and courage to make such a film,
Red Dog because its a clever semi tongue in cheek account of a modern legend from outback Australia,

However if I had to choose one movie it would be Inception, I am still thinking about the levels/layers/ in that movie.