What to do if you are scammed by Cysec regulated broker?


Many people are contacting me privately so I make a public thread of this.

Regulated brokers are not allowed to give signals. I repeat they are NOT ALLOWED TO GIVE SIGNALS. It is strictly forbidden in terms of license. However as we all know they are doing this all the time but if you can prove those were signals and not advice etc you have a very strong case. Guys from Tradeo told me this and it was one of the main reasons I got a positive decision from the Financial Ombudsman of Cyprus.

The "managers" should be well educated for their job and they are not allowed to push their clients in any way. Try to record every call. Communicate in writing as much as possible and take screenshots IMMEDIATELY. If your "manager" for example wants you to borrow money for trading it is a very serious violation and once again if you can prove this you have a strong case. This has happened with everyone I have been talking with. I could prove this and signals too so I had a clear winning case with Ombudsman.

Forget Cysec and make a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman of Cyprus. If you get a decision in your favour and they refuse to pay (as they very likely do) then introduce your case and the decision of Ombudsman to ISA. These crooks highly respect ISA but Cypriot authorities not at all because the decision of Ombudsman is not binding. They want you to go to a stressful and expensive trial. The head of ISA Shmuel Hauser has said this "Everyone involved in binary options fraud will pay a heavy price"

I hope this helps members here. This is by far the best forum on internet and more and more people are finding FPA.

Ps. Forget binary options and find a decent forex broker