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Problem www.ioption.com, Diogo Carvalho

I am having an issue with a company
This thread is getting crazy more and more it is a freak show .Pahroa please contact Mr Diogo and get all the documents he has to send you his id and proof of the case
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This thread is getting crazy more and more it is a freak show .Pahroa please contact Mr Diogo and get all the documents he has to send you his id and proof of the case

Dear Mr. Ali Marub,

I'm also desapointed with you.

You are a very inteligent person. Why you trust in every word that this old woman write?

She lies, she changes / create chat conversations that never had been.

I don't have to give anything to anyone from iOption.

I'm not part of the iOption fan club.

I just write the true, I sent a lot of clients to iOption, and the clients are happy. They receice a good service.

Please let's take the proportions, and please let's think about her false acusations. Please ask proofs of everthing.

She can't proof, cus is LIE!

I can proof everything. Give the moderetor's e-mail, and I will send him a lot of documents, and everything will be clear.

Thank you very much,

Best Regards

Diogo Carvalho
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Mr Diogo reading all the post i am disppointed you really had me going
Till your post i admite you had me going from your last post for some one who claimed he doesnt know why ioption does one thing or another i think you just have slliped all of a sudden you are a big deffender and praiseing Ioption calling the Fpa court dumm, we are here to dig for the truth not to be nice ,useing every mean of presure that the other side will response.....

Please let's take the proportions, and please let's think about her false acusations. Please ask proofs of everthing.
She can't proof, cus is LIE!
Is a big absurd, I don't have to pay anything to anyone!
About my group of 600 persons in facebook, is very real, is not an iOption group, is my group and you will not find it in name of iOption. May be I will send you the link to the group in a private message, cus I don't want that some false ladys in our group
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Unfortunely, Mrs. Raimunda is posting at this serious forum a lot of Lies.
Please proof, Mr. Raimunda.
Create false historys and false chats is easy, and for you more, that you have a good imagination.

I Can testify that Mrs. Raimunda wrote a lot of lies, false acusations, false conversations using my name.

Mrs. Raimunda, please pay my 50% of the USD$2034,25 profits, and please stop with this false theather, with this false freak show!

Thank you very much

Best Regards,

Diogo Carvalho
The last pages of this thread is every side repeating his words in different variations
With all do respect MR. Diogo, I think iOption is also a side in this story and they are welcome to make an official comment here. Their silence is making them look really bad.
Calling her a liar is not a good strategy, she has a very good argument here in my opinion. Maybe you are also the victim here Mr. Diogo (and maybe not, I dont know), but the decision of the company not to reply is making me believe there is something stinky here.
Dear Mr. Eddiger,

Unfortunely, I'm the only one victim here, Mr. Eddiger.

I Worked and didn't receive 1 cent.
She has in her hands the Both: Her USD$2000 initial deposit, and a beautiful 100% profit of USD$2034 in a few weeks (made with my work).

I'm not looking for a "good strategy" here, dear Mr. Eddiger. I'm just looking for the true, with proofs.

I'm 2 times the victim: I didn't receive 1 cent for my work, and also I'm victim of false acusations without any real proof and sense.

I hope that this serious forum, FPA, will help me to receive my 50% of the profits, and also to clear the true, with real proofs (and not with "bla bla bla" of false stories)

Thank you very much, Mr. Eddiger.

Best Regards

Diogo Carvalho
Dear Mr. Ali Marub,

You asked about my group of 600 persons in facebook: This is very real. This is not an iOption group, is my group and you will not find it in name of iOption. May be I will send you the link to the group in a private message, cus I don't want that some false ladys in our group.

Thank you very much

Best Regards,

Diogo Carvalho
Dear Mr. Pharaoh,
I wrote you a private message.

This is complicated enough without having to check multiple data sources. Let's try for some transparency here and keep this all in this thread.

I work with a fix CPA Base, and I don't receive any extra comissions from iOption: No comissions about profits, losses or trade volume. Just a fix CPA comission when I bring a new client. This is my work, this is my deal with iOption. They want me just to bring new customers.

That does remove one conflict of interest.

1) You asked about risk management. I think is great: Client made a USD$2000 Deposit, and a USD$4034,25 Whithdrawal, and got above 100% profits.

Doubling an account has to do with profitability. Risk management is a separate issue.

After that, I traded more agressive just with the profits (after that the client received her USD$4034,25 Whithdrawal, and got in her hands above 100% profits. So at this time there is no risk, after she received the both: USD$2000 that Deposited, more USD$2034,25 profits, all those at client's hands. Just after that I started to trade more agressive, cus at this time we didn't have any risk: the client received her USD$4034,25 Whithdrawal, and got in her hands above 100% profits)

So, your view of risk management is that once the client has gotten the initial investment and some profits out, then you can trade in a super risky style, right?

Let me explain how this lack of risk management could be abused.

If you have 2 clients, you trade heavy on each account, but in opposite directions. On client makes a lot of money and you get 1/2. The other client looses everything left in the account and is told "I'm sorry, the markets got rough."

This isn't risk management. It's a form of manipulation.

2) Withdrawal List (No Whithdrawals to any OKPAY account)
Withdrawal List
Moneybookers 2034.00 $ approved 20/02/13
Moneybookers 0.25 $ approved 20/02/13
Credit Card 2000.00 $ approved 20/02/13

If this is true, it does support your side.

On the other hand, there still does seem to be an OK Pay account that was opened and linked to raimmarie's account without her direct involvement. AML laws apply to Binary Brokers the same as to all forms of online investing.

How does the Carlos person fit into this puzzle? Is there any chance he's going to join the discussion?
Dear Mr. Pharaoh,

Thank you very much for your messages.

1) Risk management: "...once the client has gotten the initial investment and some profits out, then you can trade in a super risky style"
Yes, Dear Mr. Pharaoh. The client gotten the initial investment and 100% profits out (in a few weeks). After this I tryed a bigger profit, taking the risk of trading more agressive.
I respect that you don't agree with this style. This is a very specific style. But I know a lot of people that like this style, and I know also another persons that don't like this style.
But I don't agree that you can think about this issue of trading in 2 accounts. I was trading just at Mrs. Raimunda account at this time.
Also if I was trading in another client account, is not my style work with kind of strategies. I work clean, agressive, but clean.
So please forget this ideia.

2) OKPAY account was an ideia to make a larger withdrawal, and was opened with her direct involvement (and not was linked to raimmarie's iOption's account). But this account was not used in the end, cus for a 4034.00 withdrawal Raimunda's skrill account was enough. I repeat: This OKPay account was opened with her direct involvement and help to verify this account. Also I think that is no so relevant, at the time that this account never had been used, and also this OKPAY account never had been linked to raimmarie's iOption's account.

3) About Mr. Carlos: Is there any chance he's going to join the discussion? I will ask him.
How does the his person fit into this puzzle?
Mrs. Raimunda didn't reach any profits trading alone, and she was willing about leave iOption. So he gave her my contacts and asked me to check if i can help her to reach some profits, and to stay at iOption. This is his work: Retention, to keep the clients (happy) in the company. So, he gave to Mrs. Raimunda my e-mail and my skype, and Mrs. Raimunda contacted me and dealed directly with me (a private deal).

The both (no iOption and no Mr. Carlos) don't have any part in this deal. It was a deal just between me and Mrs. Raimunda, 50% of the profits for me and 50% profits to Mrs. Raimunda. The interess of Mr. Carlos was just to retein the client in iOption, at the time that Mrs. Raimunda was willing to leave this company, cus she didn't reach any profits alone. He just made his work: Retention of clients in his company. And he made it good, cus before that she didn't reach any profits. After that she did reach 100% profits.

Thank you very much for your atention and for your help, Mr. Pharaoh. Please help me to receive my part of the $2034,25 profits.

Best Regards,

Diogo Carvalho
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