4XP is not paying

i am becoming more and more perturbed reading your agonizing post. it appears practically hopeless for recovery. perhaps, you could help many who come after you, by telling us how you came across this entrapping company; or was it introduced by an introducing friend or broker who would entitle to a certain amount of percentage from your investment. the more detail you provide, the more people you would be able to help. but it is entirely up to you, alright? feel really sick to the stomach.
i am becoming more and more perturbed reading your agonizing post. it appears practically hopeless for recovery. perhaps, you could help many who come after you, by telling us how you came across this entrapping company; or was it introduced by an introducing friend or broker who would entitle to a certain amount of percentage from your investment. the more detail you provide, the more people you would be able to help. but it is entirely up to you, alright? feel really sick to the stomach.

so go to see a doctor
Well the account was opened in early 2012, we traded for almost one year without problem (quick withdrawals, ecc..). We started with about 5k USD. At the beginning of 2013 we decided to invest more money. At the end of july we decided to stop trading and withdrawal all the money..but.......:mad::mad: 4xp is not responding to my request!!!!
In April 2012, I had invested $ 21,000 in 4XP, because a financial advisor recommended me to my investing. This advisor get commission for every customer who invertia 4XP money on forex. A trader friend of the financial advisor, managed my account, and he losted $ 10,000, that trader withdrawal from my account the commission $ 1,000, opened all 80 operations without placing stop loss and all absolutely all losing operations, and took his commission of the benefits, and the financial advisor also get commission for bringing customers to 4XP, now I have an account at 4XP managed by robot, I do not want scammers traders that manage accounts, when I need to withdraw money from 4XP, I'll tell you here if I have problems with 4XP.
[CITA=HTE S.r.l.;136616]justo he escrito a Finanza Mundial | La voz del mercado, desde entonces 4xp ganó varios premios con ellos, quizás tienen algunos noticiosos sobre este broker..[/CITA]

OK, si tu sabes algo mas sobre 4XP, por favor publícalo en esta pagina, Gracias
Talk to the fraud department at your bank. Also, talk to your local and national police. See if your country has a government agency that deals with online financial fraud against its citizens or if there is any other way to file a complaint.