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Has anyone got information on this crowd, Web site bestforexsignal.com they claim to provide highly profitable trade information, I'm trying to figure if they are genuine or not. They encourage one to place capital with a broker via their website as they obviously get a kickback on trades placed... the enumerated brokers seem places of good repute. In November 2015 ...they claim... according to facebook and their website to have a 100% profit strike rate amounting to a total in excess of 500 pips - nice going - but why will they not show me the trades that made the profit - I would like to see their trading statement as the facebook replica is not a copy of a statement, and surrogate ,removing losses are easily produced....Any one who has information about this crowd please comment here..
Thank you
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I can't get that page to load. Are you sure it's bestforexsignal.com?
Thank you for the reply - I have written about my experience with them on their review page - will be published in due course - i'm sure