Do you trust your broker with your money.

Bro if you are victim and you have evidence than lets us know about it.

Still didn't got your point about this thread :(

Dear Salim Raheem,

YES - thats the way to go.

We are all looking for it please.

Since what ilearn2t says is FALSE - she has none and since this time she has just one thing with her = WORDS.

Hello Everyone

Around the time of the NSAWORK - Local Exchange Zone scam, some junior members were forced to make multiple forum accounts and vote for an employee to win a share of a competition others who refused were banned and had their accounts frozen, despite the fact that the FXOpen Development Director knew all about it, but refused to take any action to stop it, leaving genuine members/clients out of pocket, and proving once again that FXOpen allows scams to continue in their name.

To be continued.....................

Good luck

Dear ilearn2t,

Please note that there is no such thing as Multiple Forum accounts. We always check for it and when it is found any such accounts are not allowed in the Forum.

Their is no one apart from you - and their is no such competition as you have said.

Forums are only for education and support.

No one can Scam thru Forums.

Hello Everyone

One of the easiest scams FXOpen got involved in, is the ForexCup scam, is involves tricking clients/members into entering paid or free trading contests and then blackmailing any likely prize winner with a threat of a "life" ban from the support forum, meaning any winner of a shear of prize money couldn't complete the "rules" and thereafter has his/her "Real" trading account frozen, making it impossible to withdraw from it.

As a potential victim of this ForexCup scam, I had to open and close a large amount of "deals" at a loss, within minutes of the contest ending, bankrupting my ForexCup account and saving my FXOpen "Real" account.

Senior employees once again knew about this sort of scam going on, but once again were powerless to react and stop it.

"nsawork" also tried to blackmail myself with this trick over at the Mayzus,com support forum when just like the ForexCup scam, I had a great chance to win 1000's of dollars, but he forgot one small fact, Mayzus don't require their prize winners to post in their support forum to comply with their "rules" YET!

To be continued...............................

Good luck

Dear ilearn2t,

Forex Cup is not a scam, but a contest in which all the members can take part and with Prizes.

Moderators have nothing to do with the Forex Cup which is in the control of the Company.

Like i said - always give any Evidence to what you say so that all can come to know the Truth.

Hello Everyone

One of the worst scams at FXOpen involving wrongdoers, had to be the NSAWORK - Local Exchange Zone, this involved moving members/clients earnings from the support forum into Liberty Reserve accounts.

This idea was suppose to help members who couldn't open a validated account with the FXOpen broker ?

Not only was this system somewhat shady, but one employee also used it to avoid having to obey by the rules and trade with the broker.

One member even had his/her earnings stole from them as one of the employee (wrongdoer) refused to deposit in exchange for his/her earnings.

Even a senior member of the brokerage firm warned the wrongdoers to stop their wrongful acts, but none would listen to him, as they carried on with their shady dealings.

To be continued..................

Good luck

Hello Everyone

The most worrying aspect behind the NSAWORK - Local Exchange Zone scam, is the fact that I knew and tried to warn the broker (FXOpen) in private of the scams it involved, but a senior member informed me that, it looked most likely that the broker might have used this method to get shoot (rid) of its own "Liberty Reserve" money.

Having looked at my own claims of a scam involving this "exchange" and the senior members claims of possible involvement by the brokerage firm themselves it all makes sense now.

To be continued........................

Good luck

It has already been answered long time back...

Dear ilearn2t,

We have already told you that the Members of the FXOPEN Forum were given bonus for posting in the forum as per Bonus for Posting promotion.

The Funds belong to the Company and were given to the members after checking and verification.

The Bonus from the forum of FXOPEN had a feature which allowed the members to donate their bonus to other members and was introduced so that other members can cash out their bonus who did not had verified accounts at that time. The funds belong to the forum and were given to the members who had posted in the forum after checking and verifying them and thus it was just the bonus transfer from the company to its members.

And it was FXOPEN's money that is being given under the Bonus for Posting to the member who post.

But it appears that you are so much confused that you cannot understand it.

Hello Everyone

Another week ends and still no genuine answers from both brokers ( & on why they have allowed these "scams" to continue while both brokers continue to cover up serious crimes done in the name of both brokers. :mad: looks as if they are more interest in trying to flog "art" than deal with their own artful dodgers among them. :rolleyes:

Good luck

Dear ilearn2t,

Please provide any evidence of scam as you have said in your previous posts.

Unless you give them o one can believe what you are saying is truth.


Thanks for your reply concerning my earlier e-mail send to your I look forward to your legal team's investigation next week, into serious crimes committed by members of your staff, but I will continue to send daily warning about the dangers of investing in your company, to my 1000's of friends + 100's of groups on the social network, until you can "genuinely" prove you's as a broker took no part in any cover up to hide the truth about the wrongdoers within your company.

Good luck

Dear ilearn2t,

I have already spoken with the Mayzus and they will make a reply here to clear the facts soon.

Please wait for their response.

Hello nsawork

It has already been answered long time back...

Yes it was answered by yourself under the username of Resolve.

Hello Salim Raheem

I've had my own forum for years, that's where I can talk in private to my friends in FXOpen and give/get up-to-date information on the latest going on's, without the wrongdoers at their (FXOpen) support forum gate crashing. :cool:

See nsawork might have lose his previous FPA password (Resolve) and joined again under his old username at ( & :confused:

Good luck

Your "money laundering" operation (NSAWORK - Local Exchange Zone) transferred money out of the FXOpen forum, using different scams, did organize it, only they as a brokerage firm can say, not the master of the scam (YOURSELF) :cool:

Good luck
Hello nsawork

Your actions against myself, were purely because I stood up to you and the rest of your gang of evil wrongdoers.

Good luck

Dear ilearn2t,

I have just followed my duties as a Moderator and did not allow you to use the Forum for Abusing the Bonus system by doing Multiple Copy Paste violations and Spam postings in the Mayzus forum.

I have the proofs regarding that also.

We already have Legal Disclaimer and DMCA in place for the content that is posted by our Moderators and source is also credited.

They are doing nothing wrong and who are you to tell us what must be done.

Your Spam Posts








Like I stated in my recent e-mails to both your employers this week, I'll only discuss these issues with "genuine" employees from one or both your brokerage firms.

Good luck

Dear ilearn2t,

Since it concerns me and you have laid the accusations against me i am here to answer all of them.

I am asking for any PROOFS:

1. Screenshots

2. Emails

3. IM chats

4. Any other communications.

Which is between me and you please provide it here

I want all to know what is TRUE and what is FALSE.

And it will come to light only when you give that if you have.

Both i and you know that it is s LIE and the main purpose is to damage my Reputation and career as a Moderator.

So for my part i am giving my PROOFS of my Work in The Forums and Links to my Profiles.

Admin of the Forum can check my Profile for all the work i have done

1. ForexPeoples Forum

Reputation Level = 97

Posts = 4681

Thanked 281 times in 203 messages


2. FXFRED Forum

Thanked - 332 Time(s)
Liked - 272 Time(s)
Posts = 10845


3. MAYZUS Forum

Thanks (Given) - 445
Likes (Received) - 490
Posts = 3263


I have Reputation for the work i have done and also it is in the Public view.

Just because i have Banned you and Stop you from abusing the CASH BONUS that was given in the Mayzus forum you attack me and ask for removing the Ban.

When i did not agree you reach Support and ask for removing me and they also ask you proofs which you could not give ( Mayzus Canada - Marketing Director Maria Zarovaskaya) informed me about it.

I have left as a Mod last year as there was too much work in the new Mayzus forum and i did not had that much time for it. I was the one who started their Forum and made it running for 6 months after i left.

So you see that in all these Forums where i work still i am a reputed member and it was not because of you that i leave any Forum.
