How many pips you make per week?

I am sure, there is nothing like 100% in Forex business! So, I can’t go with any particular trading target! But, I always open my new trades just when I get good entry point according to my personal trading strategy. On the other hand, around the moth I really get enough amount of money for me.
Yes no any guarantee profit ion trading I think, but I think as trader will work according their strategy to making profit fromn the market, many strategy in forex with same of goal to making profit but each tdarer will chosoe that making them felt comfortable during trades isn't
I only have a monthly target of at least 400 pips. Once meet I reduce by trading but not stop at all.
You could try green tea instead of coffee or black tea. Good green tea will wake up during the day without the unpleasant caffeine side effects. It's what I drink when I am too sleepy to trade during the day.
Thank you for the idea. I actually herad about that but never really tried. I will!
I only have a monthly target of at least 400 pips. Once meet I reduce by trading but not stop at all.
I think it will good if we can fulfilled target even monthly target, but maybe most difficulties is how to making quaility trades all the time to making more winning trades than loss trades
You could try green tea instead of coffee or black tea. Good green tea will wake up during the day without the unpleasant caffeine side effects. It's what I drink when I am too sleepy to trade during the day.
Also natural lemonade helps (squeezed lemon juice, water, honey). It will open your eyes like an owl. :)
What? Am I the only one here who snorts powdered caffeine tablets to wake up in the morning?
What? Am I the only one here who snorts powdered caffeine tablets to wake up in the morning?
Well caffeine is an ideal option for the majority of people but there is a minority who is not affected at all. Or maybe my coffee is not as good as it should be... :(
Really? Ive never heard that it can work to help wake up. At least I tried to eat lemon segments.. alone... it was such an... unusual experience...
Hmm I am always wake up after sleep because hear alert from alarm on clock, and to help wake up is after open eye then going to bathroom and take water to washing face then makes fajr pray
Really? Ive never heard that it can work to help wake up. At least I tried to eat lemon segments.. alone... it was such an... unusual experience...
The lemon has anti-oxidants and vitamin C, and the honey has the natural sugar (not like the refined sugar), and in that combination you get better results than coffee.