Trading is not Science


It's a combination of both art and science. It is Science since we're dealing with the intellectual and practical activity bounded by the systematic study of the structure and behavior (charts, etc.) through observation and experiment. And on the other hand, an Art because it expresses creative skill and imagination, with an emotional power involved. (Google)
there are some things that can not be categorized as simple as art or science, it can be both and maybe even more, trading forex its a whole world on its own :D i could say its an adventure :D setting aside indicators, just use what you know and keep it simple
Sometimes, the same subject can be successfully approached from 2 or more angles.

If 2 traders are both making safe, steady profits and one views it as art and the other views it as science, I'm not going to argue with either, but I would enjoy watching them debate the subject.
That's why I use naked forex strategies to make forecast.Incorrect use of indicators can make your trading more complex without extra need.

Now I've got an image stuck in my mind of Dolly Parton sitting naked in front of her computer.

Thanks! :D
Its a game of probabilities with some good guessing using technical analysis. you can also use fundamental analysis but it'll complicate things for any newbie trader. A trader should only focus on one type of analysis thoroughly and keep on looking at others at times.