Winchargeback - Press Release July 2017

Danny Representative (out of business)
Press Release – July 2017

Winchargeback has come under attack in the past few weeks from what we can only assume is coming from either Binary Options companies, certain legal entities that are attempting to assist people like we do here or companies who just like Winchargeback provide services to people who have been scammed around the world through Chargeback disputes.

It must be noted that as the original pioneer in assisting people to recoup their hard earned money from various online scams – Winchargeback's business model and methods have been duplicated and in some instances our whole website and content of our website has been transcribed word for word by others who are trying to emulate what we do here. One may say "immitation is the sincerest form of flattery" but in some cases these are 100% scams also.

There are a few like us who are trying to do good in helping people to get back their funds from these online scams and we fully respect what they do.

Winchargeback's own reputation speaks for itself. We have assisted many hundreds of clients from all over the globe get back millions of pounds from online scams.

As the only Chargeback Dispute consultants that the Forex Peace Army endorses this is one indicator of the legitimacy in what we do. In particular to people who have come to our company for assistance from the Forex Peace army we have retreived in total £980,241.00 for these FPA members. This amount is excluding all of the others who come to us through word of mouth or sourcing us online through organic searches.

Winchargeback also needs to state catigorically we are not lawyers. We do not give legal advice nor have we ever in the past. We specialize in Chargeback disputes. We from our collective experiences in previous working environments along with indepth research from information freely available online and through international banks we have become extremely efficient and effective at analysing evidence that a client may submit to us and finding the necessary points so we can construct a strong effective chargeback dispute that the client can submit to there bank.

We are not a financial institution thus we do not require any specific licensing or regulation. We only get paid if we successfully assist a client in getting his funds from a company through a successful chargeback dispute and the client received the funds before us.

This is the level of trust that we have on our clients. When we do assist our clients they are more than happy to pay the agreed commissions to us. At the end of the day we are still a business and we do need to make a living.

If a client requests a legal opinion from a lawyer, Winchargeback can connect the client to an appropriate registered lawyer. This lawyer will be registered with the Bar association in whichever particular jurisdiction it may be.

The client shall retain the services of this lawyer and the relationship with Winchargeback shall cease.

Again, we are not lawyers and have never purported to be, if we cannot assist someone we are very upfront and transparent and explain to our clients why in their case we cannot assist.

In the past both our founder, Rebecca Goodwin and others who are employed at Winchargeback have had a number of these online scams contact them in person threatening our personal safety and take legal actions against us for the work we do.

Rebecca invisaged from the onset this could and more than likely would happen and this has forced her and the employee's of Winchargeback to take certain precautions to protect ourselves, one being to sheild our identities through the use of PEN Names and to restrict the release of our location. We are sure that all of the people who we have assisted in the past and all of the people who we will assist in the future can accept that due to the nature of what we do, and the hostile and perverse nature of the people behind these online scams, this is a necessity for us so we can continue.

On a final note – We understand that if you have been scammed in the past and we are another voice on the end of the line saying we can help you. I would urge you to do your research, see the testimonals on our page and speak to others which we have assisted on the Forex Peace Army Winchargeback page.

Click on the link below to go straight to our Forex Peace Army review page.


If you have any questions or would like to speak to one of us please click on the above link, fill in your details and we will give you a call back.

Yours Faithfully

The Winchargeback Team