Cleaning out the “Inbox”

Eric Alyea

Master Sergeant
Cleaning out the “Inbox”

If you’re an experienced trader you don’t need to read this.
Obligating your self to hope/want/try to be a successful Forex Trader requires a lot of self examination and discipline. Using myself as an example:
1. New glasses with bifocals set at a distance to do computer screen reading rather than in the lap books.
2. I had the vertebrae in my neck fused C-5 to C-7
3. Change from using the laptop for forex on the couch or meal table to a desk area for trading only (still using the laptop but, calendar, cork board and marker board added).
4. Setting regular office hours, getting a routine to be at that desk and study, research, and demo trade.
5. Picking my currencies, USD, GBP, JPY. This means I concentrate my efforts on a primary USDJPY, secondary GBPJPY, 3RD USDGBP.

What this does is allow me to clean out my email “inbox”. I admit that I have been behind on my report reading. By organizing myself and concentrating my efforts it makes it easier to cull and delete reports I get from several sources.
If this only helps one newbie it was worth it.
Good luck
Agreed, Eric.

Any trading, demo or not, should be taken extremely seriously.
I try and measure gains and losses in tangible objects. For example, I'll say, "I just made a case of beer" or "A Chateaux Margaux", or "I just lost a 32" TV."
Anything it takes to get you out of a 'It's been going up/down all day, so it has to change now' or 'I have a feeling it's going to go up/down now' and into a 'I'm going to look carefully to see if my trade makes sense' is a good thing.
A clear and undistracted mind, and a game plan is a must.
Hmmmm! Item 1. - But I don’t see well at all with glasses…new or old, bifocals or otherwise... Is that a must thing too? I’ll be blurry trading if I use them!
Glasses, needed, nuff said

Glasses, needed, nuff said:mad:

First of all, thank you for responding to a topic that is, for others unknown.
Just to be able to “READ” and it not be painful..... They don’t understand.
This is a readers business. If you can’t have the visionary... transfer to lose.

This is combat at a desk. If you can’t read the reports you don’t know were to send your troops (money/pips) some of them will go away (troops killed = money gone/pips).
Candles/charts/graphs . I’m sorry this is not a blind mans game.
I’m a bad captive. You tie me up, ask me something, I bite you in the forehead, your buddy breaks my face with a rifle butt, game on.
Nuff said.
Aye aye Corporal!

Sorry, just pulling your leg there yah, and not meant to be offensive in the least bit!

I am a Newbie and I understand precisely your layout strategy and battle plan which will be put into practice when the time comes for me to trade full time.
Yup, a well organized fully equipped “war room” is essential to winning the daily trade battle in cyberspace.

I responded to your post to keep it in “Today’s Post” to catch the attention of other Newbies like me…and light remarks, like from Pharaoh, helps keep it interesting and bring a smile to an otherwise serious foum.

No offense was meant in any comments posted here; yah!
I need to be edited

That was in no way a response to you.:err:
I was recanting a bad mental snapshot of my past life, that was real.:mad:
My left zygomatic (cheek/face) has been rebuilt three times pins and plastic. I need a 4 diopter prism left lens to come up to the right eye vision. My right eye was altered with 16 cuts RK from the ..... I am a peaceful person.
Darn,:nerd: this is why I don’t post much.:confused:
I need to be edited.;)
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Eric Alyea, I am really sorry to know of the extreme pain that you must have gone through. But, such painful experiences do make a person stronger and more determined than if that person had lived a normal unscathed life. And you, my friend, is one such person.

All the best, and I really would not have posted in jest if I have known of your affliction.
Eric's quote "This is a readers business."

That couldn't be more right.

One big warning sign that you are on the wrong track is that you start to limit your news sources to only two or so.
Even if it works for a while, make sure you spend some time reading or watching more macro sources, like TV. You can either view it as knowing the psychological mindset of most (macro) traders or as keeping in touch with the fundamentals, as the frequent updates of forex feeds either treat the fundamentals as understood, or worse they treat them as unimportant.
back on topic

Thank you for bringing this back on topic.
More than one information source, that means you have to clean your “inbox”...
What do you do???