EUR/USD what a fun roller coaster today

Eric Alyea

Master Sergeant
EUR/USD what a fun roller coaster today!

It worked me hard.:err: I cleared my trade sequences 3 times then was worn out.
279 pips.:D Rough count 144 trades.
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144 trades in a day? Congrats, and also your broker must love you if you're straight to market.
Wouldn't it be great if trading became a customer's market and we had brokers trying to better-up each other, especially if we're high frequency traders?
jeezzz!!! man your hard core Eric! lol but I think there's more in you than that, if you don't hit 150 by Friday I'll be disappointed ;)
Don't feed the animals, should know better..

Honestly though, Eric, I'm glad you've overcome your stark terror of entering into the trade.

Just like Aristotle's golden mean, someone without enough courage means you're a coward, too much courage means you're a fool. All of us learn to find the middle.
Special “Zen Trading” Post

Special “Zen Trading” Post

I just updated the “Intensive Reviews”. Had to have help getting a trade log in format to be posted. I’m still looking at it.
This was done as an exercise to... well read:
The post with the trade log is:
I think I got the flow down today. Walked away from it 3 times when I had “ALL trades” closed. The 1st time all closed but still had an hour of time left, went with the flow, started entries again and waited to get all closed out 2nd time. The flow was there and I entered again I still had 30 minute on my regular session time. The third time "NO Way" even if it looked good, and it did later. Each three times, all I wanted to do was be safe and finish the trades clear.
I'm to old for this. (that's a joke, I'm at a desk now)
Don’t give me a knife, I can’t pass up a winning fight.
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0% of “0" is Zero. 90% of “1" is .9

0% of “0" is Zero. 90% of “1" is .9

Remember this is a training exercise for getting your procedures down. I was a “Professional Long Range Rifle Shooter”, the goal was to “deliver long range precision fire on predetermined targets”. Pulling the trigger was just part of it. Getting in to a good position and setting up to get that shot was the real work.
Good luck to every one
Remember, getting a percentage of “Zero” (not placing a trade & not getting a pip) is “$0". Learn to make a successful open and close of an order with a profit every time is what this is about.
Timing, Placing, Collecting.
Waiting in place is 80% of being a shooter.
Removing the fear, anticipation and anxiety. Just get your money. (Yes, the government and others get theirs. "JUST GIVE IT TO THEM") 90% OF NOTHING IS NOTHING.
Be properly training before you go in the field for real money is up to you.
Here is last weeks log:
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144 really? That's great to hear. I'll be glad when I can hang with the big fishes of this forum. I'm still a guppy, but watch out, I have a big appetite.
