TradeVantage from Dustin Pass

Greetings BigT1,
I would be amiss not to let you know that Dustin has now settled in full, the amount I paid last year...
All thanks must go to you for pointing me in the right direction. This much appreciated.
Would you be totally upset with me if I said that I no longer think it the right move to report Dustin's company?
Now that I have my money back I feel they have duly compensated me, and I have no more grounds to report them...

Best regards and thanks again.
If you left a review, leave a followup to let everyone know that the situation was eventually resolved.
Hello TPOC,
I am glad for your recovery.
Yes, it would be inappropriate for you to revise your previous posts.
You certainly should update them with your current status for all to witness and resolve in their own minds however they wish to understand your journey.
Just because your squeaking wheel got greased is no reason to say to all "Never Mind".
Rather your example should remain as it is: an example, for all others to assess before doing business with this entity.
Rosanne Rosanadana
Hi Rosanne,
I appreciate and thank you for your commentary...
Regrettably, due to having no 'landline' this past few weeks, (including no internet/email connection) I have only just now caught up with your comments.

Your point is well taken and I will revise my previous posts so that all can see that it was only after I contacted FPA, and was given guidance by BigT1, was I able to secure a total refund.

Best regards
Hi Rosanne,
I appreciate and thank you for your commentary . . . all can see that it was only after I contacted FPA, and was given guidance by BigT1, was I able to secure a total refund.
Best regards

Hello TPOC,
Thank you so much for following-up. I am BigT ( a/k/a Rosanne Rosanadana).
You should undestand that I am the author of the last message signed: "Roseanne Rosanadana".
Probably unknown to you, this signature was a very comic reference to a well known and revered comedienne named Gilda Radner, who was also the wife of Gene Wilder.
Both died many years ago, but remain famous in the USA for amongst many other things, Gilda's portrayal of a female news reporter named Rosanne Rosanadana, who seemed to be always unaware of certain crucial facts before she went forward (in her comic performance) as a "TV News Reporter".
During these 'Reports', she would be made aware of her lack of understanding of certain facts, by others; once understood, she would then say to her audience: "Never Mind".
The audience would laugh, and her previous comments resigned to the dust bin of history.
When greeted with your suggestion to revise previous erroneous threads, I am reminded of Gilda's great gift.
The value of your posts to others far exceeds their value to you alone.
Never revise except for grammar or spelling; for others will learn by following your journey, no matter how circuitous, erroneous, or wrong-headed.
To deny them your precise experience is to deny us all your ultimate accomplishment.
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OOPS! You're right! My report of Gene's death is a bit premature!!
Too much wine; too late at night.
I was projecting how he must have died, when she did; as would have I.
Apologies to my hero Gene Wilder [no way out . . .].