XM is Cheating Come and let you see This Real

Looking on the weight of your comments, sounds like you had an additional account quoted in FPA. First off, if anyone knows that utilizing a higher amount of leverage is a risk, would they be exposed to it and continuing the same actions for the past several trades? Nonetheless, you are being rude and had the audacity to asked me to google translate on what's happening. By any chance, are you a IB opening up a new account to personal attack me ? :p (Noting the fact that I savage a few brokers here out with random facts) x)
So the man who is attacking now said he was attacked? haha shitt.. who is the victim i this thread?? If you think i am attack you, then you chill.. first you jump to this room and put a little knowledge comment, second you dont understand the problem, third you keep talking you are victim.. weird.. i just dont know what your little thinking.. this is what happen when a busy guy bump into this without reading anything.. let me make it clear for u.. so u can analyze your comment.. READ FROM THE FIRST POST !!!!!!!....
Not sure what to say but, from the look of your account, a Balance of around $59 US and a Required Margin of $139 would imply that the account was stopped out, not by the client but of course, by the fact that the account was severely overleveraged and undercapitalised (the bane of the small trader, who unfortunately happens to be 98.9% of most forex speculators and, hence, is easy to 'pick' as 'low hanging fruit'). Your account was stopped out according to the trading rules (once the required margin touched 80 % of the remaining Equity NOT the Balance) and you are wrong, i think, to accuse XM of closing the trades unfairly. You mention in your complaint only the USDJPY trades; but you had many other trades also open at the same time. The USDJPY trades (0.04 lots or $40,000) alone, on an account under $200, is simply overleverage by definition and you had NO hope of recovering your deposit -- never mind the other trades.
invite XM here..
l placed an order on my broker which is XM. I placed them on GBP/CAD and on USD/CAD and during news my price was trigged and it went in my favour...After some time l checked and l found that l was on a loss. When l asked them the account manager called me and she said that it could not give me the price that l had placed and instead they decided to give me their own price..so now l dont understand the whole purpose of putting a buy stop when the broker will change is so that you can lose.