Desperate Scammers Become Desperate Spammers


FPA Forums and Reviews Admin
Desperate Scammers Become Desperate Spammers

The criminals who keep launching Denial of Service attacks have found a new way to waste innocent people's time while trying to damage the FPA's reputation.

As I write this, they are sending out thousands of spam messages. These have subject lines like...

Pay your bills faster
Get out of debt
This is your last chance
Stop bill collectors fast
Need cash? search no more
Get money before payday

and have message bodies like...

I guess you are reading it because you want to make money. Let me tell you the secret. All you have to do is visit my site -

Try it now, it's free and easy - check this

Stop recieving these amazing offers - read how

These messages aren't originating from the FPA. All FPA mailings use a double opt in list with a real unsubscribe link, not a link to the broker's review page. The FPA would never risk its reputation doing unsolicited mailings like these.

This is a deliberate attempt to get FPA email addresses into spam databases. These criminals also hope that it generates complaints to the FPA's web hosts. It's a primitive form of attack, called a Joe Job. Most webhosting companies are smart enough to want top see the full email headers before taking any action. The headers clearly show that these messages aren't coming from any place associated with the FPA.

I'm seeing IP addresses from in the message headers I've examined so far.

To see information on the origin of the term Joe Job, you can check it out at Wikipedia...

I don't know which scam company or group of companies are behind these attacks. The amount of money spent on Denial of Service attacks is very large. The means that it is probably a broker or a group of brokers. The most likely suspects would be companies that have an FPA Scam Finding and are still in business. You can see those here...

This is another reason not to do business with any of these companies. It appears that some of them are now using client funds to pay cyber criminals to spam innocent people.
...and for a newbie like me looking for a reliable broker, this is most worrisome! Scamsters - and criminals in general - slink back under the rocks they crawled out from upon getting exposed...but the aggressive attacks from these guys show they: a. have no fear of repercussions (which shows a serious lack of monitoring in the system) and b. seem to have a long-term game-plan, and are not going to just give up and call it a day just because they have been caught out. Seems to be a free-for-all out in the retail forex markets.
Taking flak but winning the battle! Its very flattering that they consider the FPA worth all this expense - shame they didn'y spend the money on improving trading conditions for theri traders though.
Its bad but getting better. A good rep on FPA is now worth really a lot of money. Its free advertizing that you cab't buy. The companies with good reps are not going to risk this lightly. The bad companies are faced with ever spiraling ad costs to keep new traders coming and an uphill struggle to keep the ones they have. Stick with FPA and we will triumph!
They've got at least one more source to send emails. I found in some message headers a few hours ago.

The denial of service attacks against the FPA are also ongoing. The programmers tell me that the latest attack was launched from Macedonia. Some broker is taking a lot of money from clients to spend on this.
It shows that FPA is doing a great job to keep traders safe! If FPA was not relevant enough, they wouldn't minda about it.