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Hi all, i talked to someone on facebook and he says he's forming a team.

Which requested to open an account on FX Promax Limited

The minimum entrance is 1000usd.

I can't find this website on the review page. Please help.\

Claims to be registered with the FSP, but gives no link or registration number.

Domain name created March 26th, 2013, but claims the company was given all kinds of awards in 2006-2008.

Why does a UK brokerage have it's website registered to someone in Florida?

Is it just me, or does the site look like a Google translation from another language. There aren't any huge spelling errors, but the grammar doesn't belong to anyone raised in the UK.
Their website is just a simple template which use by most of the new broker such as Mxxcofx, and NzFxxxxxxal. It just cant convince me to join a broker like this, its not professional enough. And min deposit is 1000usd, this sound just not right. If anything happen to your $$$$, i hope this is a lesson to you and please ask your best friend ''google'' before making any decision. Good luck.