VPS pros and cons


Private, 1st Class
I've ran across some traders and some brokers suggesting VPS as a necessary and very handy tool... than on the other hand, I've recently read somewhere that if you use the broker's VPS the provider will gain access to your account... My doubt is, is it better, in terms of safety, to use VPS or not?! Plus it is an additional cost, coz I'm just starting, and with tiny accounts... but if it guarantees that my orders will remain open and executed immediately then maybe it's worth it...
Any thoughts?! :confused:
If the broker owns the VPS, it probably has a very fast connection to the servers, thus insuring better fills. The drawback is that the broker could look and see what sort of EAs and scripts you are running. If you've written your own private EA, you still have to load it onto the VPS to make it work.

An outside VPS should be safe from the broker seeing your software, but you need to pick one that's affordable, reliable, and that has very short latency time communicating with your broker's server.
Nence, IMO, I wouldn't use outside VPS. I think it's not a problem if broker sees my EA. Broker must to guarantee a good work of his hardware. I'm not using VPS, it's just my opinion.
I think, VPS is a big plus for trading with EAs. You can turn of fyour PC and VPS will trade for you. You can be anywhere, and your VPS will work for you. So you get a freedom and VPS will bring you the profit.