Resolved - Youtrade fx is a big time scam......

Thank you forex peace army i have received my funds from youtradefx for the account number 123358 and 140750. You can close this thread. Thank you once again.

My problems with youtrade should be a warning to investors or traders who are intending to invest or trade with this broker.

At the start I made a transfer of several thousands of euros on an account so I could trade. So far so good. The trading operations on their website are carried out in real time with a balance that appears. Everything is OK until I ask for a partial refund of my money.

I summarize because the stages and adventures are endless.

First withdrawal request for a partial refund on a e-form, no answer and looking at the forums I discover the message of Mickael M (see above) who means he could do something to solve the problem. So I write him an e-mail and M BECKER answers. A long period of time elapses with an exchange of e-mails that ends up with a message of M BECKER confirming that’s it’s OK, a transfer of the balance should be made very quickly. Several months have gone by.

On their site a correct balance appears with a transfer request of the same amount. Time goes by. After a new connection I check that the balance of my account is 0, it seems perfect, the money should arrive soon, i expect so

Last stage, nasty surprise. I discover that may account balance is 0 but my transfer request has been denied. A colleague of mine calls them and is told that a losing operation had not been closed.

When checking the history of my account I discover that they had inserted one year before a big operation that was due to bring back my account to 0. Since then, no more answer to my phone calls and impossible to connect to my account.

All this seems completely incoherent on their side. Such an operation on their site is impossible because you cannot make a withdrawal request for a higher amount than the balance. Furthermore I checked the history on my Excel sheet to find out that the result column has not been closed, several thousands of dollars are still on the account. They nevertheless consider that the balance is 0, so for them it’s all over !

I’m wondering : what is the interest for them to work in such a dirty way. I’m going to express my anger at them on all forums in French, English and Spanish languages. The letters, mails, forms, with the history of our exchanges are ready for the regulation offices in all countries where they make business. In a word, if I am not refunded, this will cost them much more than the balance of my account because they must know that before investing traders do look at these forums.

My advice if you already work with them : Print the history as much as you can, with screen copies showing the balance in order to have a solid file just in case…and make a withdrawal request.
If you don’t work with them, keep away.
I was glad the first issue was solved, coz jeez the amount was quiet big :) what ever happened to the other one i wonder?