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    More info coming soon.


Follow the accounts for awhile - bookmark each and every account and recheck them all - if some are amazing and suddenly aren't available for viewing, that's a strong warning of manipulation.

Ask for an investor password to at least one account. If he's worried about you copying trades, ask for it to only be valid on a weekend. There are ways to filter results at many MT4 sharing sites. You want to see everything in the account from 1st deposit to currently open trades.

If you decide to use him, make sure to have an LPOA. Also, don't have him as your IB - that would allow him to make money by placing useless trades. Payment should be ONLY based on performance. Make certain the broker selected allows an LPOA to be cancelled at any time. Some don't allow an LPOA to be cancelled if there are any open trades.

Also, if you decide to use him, start with the smallest possible account for a test. Always check your account vs. his MyFxBook trades to make sure you are getting the same trades he advertises with.